Pink Peony

Need Encouraged? Read this! (This One’s for You!)

Cynthia Herron Positive Thinking 2 Comments

Pink Peony

Image Credit: CoreySeeman/PhotopinCC

Well, it was an interesting week.  (Yes. That sublime word—interesting.)

We’ll get to the encouraging part of this post in a moment.

We cat-sat for our educator son while he attended a technology seminar in the great state of Florida. You know… Learning. Hard Rock Cafe. Cocoa Beach. Tough job, but someone had to do it.

Henry, our son’s beloved, declawed Maine Coonish cat was a resident at our home for a few days during Bubba’s departure.

Miranda, our American Shorthair, non-declawed cutie (who was fostered with other furry critters) was a bit jealous. Understandable, realizing she’s been Top Kitty around our home for the past seven months.

Eventually, Miranda did tolerate Henry, but let me tell ya—it was WORK, friends!

Poor Henry wanted to be Miranda’s buddy so badly. *sigh*

But Miranda just wouldn’t have it. I think because Henry was so much larger, he presented a threat even though that certainly wasn’t his intention. (He was just a big, ol’ hunka hunka burnin’ love who desperately wanted to make friends. Poor kitty. And yes—he and she are both neutered and spayed.)

Bottom line: My hubby and I, along with our teenage daughter, chaperoned these two furry felines as they navigated their way around the awkward get-to-know-you phase.

On a few occasions, they actually met nose to nose, but then skittish Miranda would hiss and arch her back as if to say, “You may be here for now, Big Boy, but this is still my turf!”



Such is life.

I’m a bit worn out, but I managed to write a few words. (Just not coherent ones for Friday’s blog post. *blush* Sorry.)

All this to say, I believe I needed the unexpected downtime away from blogging and social media yesterday.

I spend a great deal of time on writing, blogging, and playing with my cyber friends, and I think yesterday’s unintentional derailment was God’s way of saying “Enough already. Concentrate on other things. Your family. Henry and Miranda. Life. Something else other than words and make-believe.”

(Remember Wednesday’s post about seasons? Seems like that’s been my entire summer.)

What’s your week—your summer—been like?

Are you stuck in the doldrums?

Writing got ya down?

Or is life just plain hard right now?

I feel your pain. I do. I’ve been there.

I won’t sugarcoat it.

This writing life’s a hard gig.

Combine that with raising a family, outside obligations, church functions, and unexpected time infringements— it’s enough to make a gal want to run kicking and screaming for the nearest vat of chocolate! Or mashed potatoes and gravy. Something!

I’ve always said I’ll tell you just how it is.

Well—here’s how it is, folks.

My house needs cleaned, the toilets need scrubbed, and I’m pretty sure there’s mold on some cheese in the fridge.

I’m busy.

I’m a wife. I’m a mom. A daughter. A sister. A friend.

Writing’s my day job. Night job. And in-between job. Some days, it’s kinda lonesome.

Some days, it’s just me and the ol’ keyboard—reachinggrasping for just the right words. Words that will make sense. Words that will motivate. Stories that will inspire. (If you write, you know the drill.)

I’m smack-dab in the middle of projects I’ve placed on hold far too long.

At best, I’ve had good reason.

At worst, I’ve procrastinated. (A wee bit.)

The truth of the matter is no matter what stage of life we’re at, there will always be additional thingsintersections—that vie for our time or upstage our intentions.

If we’re not careful and proactive with our time, talent, and resources, we’ll lose steam.

Since burnout isn’t a fun place to be, it helps if we recognize our own tolerance level before we arrive at that point.

Over the years, I’ve learned to tactfully say No, thank you. I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. I simply can’t create more hours in the day if there are none.

On the other hand—if there’s a true need or an emergency, I’m your gal.

For me, it’s all about discernment. Availing myself to God’s prompting.

As I’ve matured, I’m more aware of those indicators and I don’t worry as much what others think.

As long as I pursue Christ and have His best interest at heart instead of my own, I’ll always come out ahead. (Not necessarily on top because I’ll still make mistakes, but with a lesson learned and a step forward in the growth curve.)

Servanthood is a process. It’s an ongoing pursuit of following Christ while realizing, too, our human imperfections.

Today, if you’re at a place of self-examination, there’s good reason for that. Perhaps, you need to make changes. Maybe what you’ve tried isn’t working. Maybe you know what you need to do, but you’re afraid to do it.

Let me encourage you just now—whatever it is that holds your mindset hostage, allow it to bubble to the surface. Absorb it. Then own it. Deal with it. And move on.

Not easy?

I know.

Seasoning never is.

That’s why God’s set you apart.

You’re about to do something extraordinary!


Additional encouragement:

You’re Worth It

Bent, but Not Broken. Why You WILL Do This Thing

 Courage to Complete the Journey

10 Triumphant Truths of Who You Really Are

(A personal fave.)



Need a kick-start to your weekend? Encouragement begins here!

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I won’t sugarcoat it. This writing gig’s hard. Encouraging words as you move forward:

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 Are you in a period of seasoning?

What lessons have you learned?

Sending you happy thoughts!

Blessings Always,

Comments 2

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Something extraordinary did happen.

    Was very ill overnight, high fever and chills. My service Heeler saw what was happening, and she fetched a bathtowel and covered my up.

    The she and my service Pit lay on top of me, to try to warm me up.

    The encouragement you offer here is a lifeline for me, Cindy.

    It’s helping me stand in the evil day.

    1. Post

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