Two independent words, but can we really have one without the other?
One of my favorite inspirational movies is Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story, based on the autobiography of Dr. Ben Carson, one of today’s top neurosurgeons. The movie’s been out for several years, but it still runs periodically on television and it never fails to inspire me. (I can’t believe I’ve not read the book yet, but it’s on my list!)
In the Emmy nominated movie, Cuba Gooding Jr. delivers an outstanding performance as Ben Carson the disadvantaged, but determined, young man who rises to worldwide fame by saving lives and changing the face of modern medicine. (Actor Jaishon Fisher portrays the younger “Bennie” as he overcomes a number of obstacles while being raised by a single mother.)
I love the message of faith and perseverance in Gifted Hands. It’s a poignant example of hardship (truth) punctuated by well-earned victory (triumph).
Too often, we hear people say:
I’ll never survive this.
I CAN’T because…
I’m not smart.
I lack talent.
It’s hopeless.
No one believes in me.
And if we’re honest, haven’t each of us—in those suffocating moments of quiet despair—thought something similar?
I know I have.
When our family lived in and out of hospitals for a number of years, perseverance was difficult. Day after joy-starved day melded into the next as we entered a new journey—survival mode. I wondered if we’d ever make it through.
Eventually, we did, but not without a few scars.
Even now, it’s rather difficult to force the memories. But it’s cathartic, too, and I may begin a new blog series one day about that time.
Here’s the thing:
We all have stuff.
For some of us, our “stuff” is more complex. Life-altering.
And then again, some of our “stuff” can’t possibly compare to others’ experiences. In the moment, perhaps, it feels like our situation’s worse because we only have that valley to gauge our own events by.
I don’t know what your “stuff” is. I do know that my encouragement posts always receive the most hits.
That leads me to believe a couple of things:
- Maybe you’re hurting.
- Maybe you’re in a state of flux.
- Possibly, you just need to know someone’s been there and survived.
- Perhaps, you need a cheerleader. Someone to uplift. Someone to motivate. Someone who loves you for you.
Because I’ve faced a season of hardship, I’m burdened for those who are experiencing similar seasons.
Today if you’re one of those people, these words—this post—is for you. I want you to put away your laundry list of I’m not good enoughs.
Better yet, tear that list up! It’s a lie.
Grab a fresh, lily-white sheet of paper and some pretty colored Sharpies and start a new list.
On it, write these words:
10 Triumphant Truths
1. I am teachable. I have a mind. I’m free to grasp new concepts and try different things. “Failure” is not part of my vocabulary.
2. I have a choice. I have options. I can go with the tried and true or I can blaze a new trail.
3. I have experience. I can add value. The level of my knowledge may differ, but a different perspective is a good thing.
4. I’m worth it. God’s word tells me I am. I don’t have to prove it.
5. I’m creative. I see the box and I’m not limited by it.
6. I have a name. Labels don’t hinder me because they’re manmade.
7. I am extraordinary. I have unique capabilities no one else has.
8. I have resolve. I can do this. One day, one moment, one millisecond at a time.
9. I’m loved. By the One who created me and whose love never changes.
10. I’m a conqueror. It’s a new day. The past is behind me.
Post this list on your refrigerator, bathroom mirror, bulletin board—anyplace you’ll see it.
Words have power and the thoughts generated from positive affirmations hold incredible sway.
Crummy times may (probably will) still come, so on those less than stellar days or on the days where you can barely put one foot in front of the other, look at your list.
And remember who you really are.
What other truths should you tell yourself?
How have you triumphed over hardship?
Put away your list of “I’m not good enoughs.” That list is a lie. The truth: (Click to Tweet)
Is perseverance difficult just now? Here are 10 encouraging reminders: (Click to Tweet)
Photo Credit: Salt of the Earth/Creative Commons
Blessings Always,

Comments 3
A mantra I lived with in a previous life was “they won’t take me alive”. Saving the last bullet for oneself was not idle bravado, for there are some things far worse than death.
In a different environment, I find it useful once again. Circumstances are conspiring to take my hope and my faith, to draw me into a pit with sides too steep to climb.
I will resist that. Either successfully, or I will die trying.
“They may take my body, but my soul, thus unencumbered, will fly all the faster to God’s Heaven.”
Andrew, your comments are so poignant and thought-provoking. I’m praying for your health, my friend!
Thanks, Cynthia!
One of the best ‘encouragers’ is being called Friend.
Made my day!