Time for a Re-charge: Preventing Combat Fatigue

Cynthia Herron Writing 10 Comments

If you follow me on Twitter, you know I sometimes joke about my morning jolt of java. (Except it’s really not a joke. I do like my coffee!) Because I’m health-focused, I don’t always drink it fully loaded, but I certainly would if I weren’t worried about it robbing the much-needed calcium from my bones. I generally follow a routine. …

Coffee + Jennifer Rothschild = Fresh Grounded Faith (A Must-Attend Conference!)

Cynthia Herron Christianity 13 Comments

Like many women, I’m a multi-tasker. I usually have several dozen things going on at once and only two hands and one self to accomplish everything that needs done in a 24 hour day. Combined with a full-time writing career and a little, ol’ side dish of social media, life can become a bit rattled sometimes. We realize how important …