As a little girl, I was afraid of the dark. It’s still not one of my favorite things, but over the years, I’ve learned to compensate. (Aren’t nightlights wonderful?) I was thinking about “the dark” again recently and how fear, tension, and negativity affect our mindset and self-esteem. People who live in the dark often do so willingly. They choose fear over …
Is Marriage Necessary in Christian Fiction?
*Today I’ll be talking about adult issues that may jar some comfort zones. It’s not my intent to shock, but I believe there are times we must be brave enough to confront the elephant in the room. If you’re uncomfortable with this idea, you may want to click past my post, though I really hope you’ll continue reading. Since I write Christian fiction, specifically contemporary …
The Institution That Isn’t Old Hat (Despite Today’s Best Efforts)
When God created the family, I believe all of Heaven smiled. There was a plan, and our Heavenly Father’s plan was perfect. The institution of family wasn’t an accident, happenstance, or a manmade “lightbulb moment,” but rather, a holy, God-sized feat of supernatural brilliance. In short, it was and is miraculous! Though some in today’s world might downplay it, the family isn’t …
Introducing Life: Have Fun
Don’t you just love being around happy, positive people? I know I do. Unmotivated, negative folks sap our energy. They steal our joy and put a dent in our day. If we’re constantly exposed to attitudes of discontent, our own attitudes begin to reflect the same. Because by nature I’m a helper, I tend to want to “fix things.” I want to solve …
Happy Easter Blessings
Today, as we approach one of the most joyous times of year, I wanted to shift gears a bit. This post isn’t intended to be preachy, pretentious, or holier-than-thou. Because I love you and I care about where you spend eternity, I also won’t apologize for taking a few moments to talk about my Savior, Jesus Christ. If you don’t …
Two Words That Motivate
I’m a people–watcher. I enjoy studying people wherever I go. I like mixing with them. I like loving on them. I like encouraging them. Because I’ve walked the lonesome valley of heartache, I like to comfort those who might be hurting. If you’re needing a pick-me-up today, here’s what I’d like to say: Don’t quit! It may take every ounce of strength you have. But …
How Our Writing Defines Us
What were they thinking? Have you ever wondered that as you plowed through a much-anticipated novel and it not lived up to your expectations? On the other hand, maybe your reaction was one of elation. Wow! Annie Author hit it out of the park again! Since Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction is my tagline, I’m keenly aware that’s what my readers will …
Time for a Re-charge: Preventing Combat Fatigue
If you follow me on Twitter, you know I sometimes joke about my morning jolt of java. (Except it’s really not a joke. I do like my coffee!) Because I’m health-focused, I don’t always drink it fully loaded, but I certainly would if I weren’t worried about it robbing the much-needed calcium from my bones. I generally follow a routine. …
Wish It, See It, Pray It, Believe it: Pursuing Our Dreams
Why is it that as adults we tend to lose the miracle mindset of our youth? Remember the feeling? Remember that CAN DO attitude we had as rambunctious, invincible five-year-olds? Most of us at that age were convinced that we could do anything. Be anything. Have anything our little, precocious, pea-picking hearts desired. I’m not talking about a sense of entitlement. I’m thinking more …
Shout Your Victory, Embrace Success
I talked about this last year, but thought it might encourage you today… I think because I write, I equate a lot of life’s stages to writing. Perhaps, it’s the other way around. Writing probably intersects with various chapters of my life, too. If we think about the natural order of progression, it might not make sense to others the twists …