It’s Not About the Perfect Canvas; It’s About the Beauty Applied.

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 6 Comments

I don’t know about you, but I’m more than a little tired of society’s perception of “perfect.” “Perfect” creates a false sense of security. It tweaks. It hones. It airbrushes the very life out of what’s already beautiful. Instead of seeing the canvas painted and lovely, “perfect” tramps on beauty and nudges her out of the way and isn’t even polite about it. Yes, …

This Little Light of Mine

Cynthia Herron Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 10 Comments

For authors, there’s a different sense of vulnerability than what there might be in other professions. As we write, we inject a certain amount of our own soul into our novels, prose, poetry, etc. We strive for transparency without being too forthright. We want to “connect,” not overwhelm. Novelists must relate to readers in clear, concise ways which denote professionalism, not detachment. Obviously, we …

Tools of the Trade

Cynthia Herron Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 13 Comments

As with many careers, writers are often faced with some life-changing decisions: How much of our time and hard-earned dollars are we willing to invest? What kinds of sacrifices are we ready to make? How should we market ourselves? What will our “brand” be? How do we effectively build a platform? Will these decisions involve stepping out of our comfort zones? I can only …

Pulling Weeds and Planting Seeds

Cynthia Herron Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 4 Comments

Making every word count. This is the advice of most literary professionals. Editors, agents, and critique experts espouse brevity over lengthy passages of empty prose. Since there are literally thousands of writers vying for readers’ attention (and hard-earned dollars), it would seem only prudent that we heed that advice. Unless, of course, our goal is to write for ourselves and …

Spinning Tales

Cynthia Herron Writing Christian Fiction 2 Comments

For those who write, the wheels are always turning and it can be difficult to get our thoughts to “turn off.” Inspiration strikes when we least expect it–while driving, taking a shower, at family get-togethers, or even while dozing off at night.  And if you’re blessed to live in a particularly beautiful neck of the woods like I am, spinning tales …

My Writing Journey

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Yesterday I talked about encouragement. Continuing with the writing theme, this post will be a bit brief, but I wanted to share with you what I’ve been up to lately: Writing/Working on Book 2 in series Additional proposal revisions for Book 1 (yes, a little more polishing) Exploring website layouts Contemplating ACFW conference in September Blog posts Networking/Implementing marketing strategies …