Valentine ducks

Let’s Talk Valentines!

Cynthia Herron Favorite Things 2 Comments

Valentine ducks

Image Credit: Snapographic/Pixabay


Valentine’s Day. One of my favorite holidays!

Just mention the word valentine and I go all mushy inside. Of course I would. (There’s a reason I live, breathe, and write romance. I’m a romantic! A huge one.)

And I’m always on a mission. Remember that little pocket notebook I carry? Often, when I’m out and about and I see random acts of romance, I’ll take a moment to jot them down because I never know—those little heartwarming nuggets could make their way into a book.

I adore the interplay of hearts in tune.

Sometimes the element of romance is subtle. Other times, it’s jaw-dropping, knee-knocking, heart-thumping wow!

By now, my husband knows what to expect—he just never knows when to expect it!

My hand on his arm. A tug on his sleeve. The muted squeal.

Ohhh. I’m dying! Isn’t that so romantic?!”

To which, he’ll smile. “Yes, dear. It is.”

Okay. Maybe hubby’s thrill-o-meter registers a little different than mine. But I know my valentine appreciates my enthusiasm. That’s why he married me—my unbridled zest for life!

We’re a team.

Separate, yet the same. Two hearts equally yoked.

I love creating just the right ambiance for my family!


I asked this question on Facebook recently: What’s your favorite Valentine’s Day memory with your sweetie?

Jennifer said: “Him finally, FINALLY, saying it without the ‘M’ in ‘tines’. That was today. He’s 54, BTW.”  (Made me giggle!)

Carrie said: “I told him when we were dating several years ago that I didn’t want roses. He sent me a bouquet of noses…as in rose stems with clown noses on top. Quite a jokester back in the day!” (Nothing says romance like creativity. Score!)

Stephanie said: “From my hubby this year!! So special that he had it made for me with VERY limited resources!! Speaks volumes about the kind of man he is!! Golden!!” (Speaking about a treasured Valentine’s Day card. A heart-tweaker, for sure.)

My mother-in-law said: “Terry asked me to marry him on Valentine’s Day 1968.” (I couldn’t believe I’d never heard that story! All the more poignant because my beloved father-in-law joined Jesus last June.)


Memories. Stories. Valentines.

And all sigh-worthy, romantic, and brimming with love.

From our home to yours!




Memories. Stories. Valentines. Feel good thoughts for your Friday!

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A Day to Try on Kindness

Real Romance. How Do We Get It Right?

Why Does Romance Make Women Swoon?

Do you have a favorite Valentine’s Day memory with YOUR special someone?

What do you love best about your Valentine?


Here’s to a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 2

  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Love the ducks!

    I think my best memory was last year, when we were driving home in the evening on Valentine’s Day, and saw a jackrabbit in the headlights…

    Wait. No.

    Not a jackrabbit. A baby Pit Bull with huge ears, who’d just been dumped, and was trying to catch up with her former owners’ car.

    And so our romantic evening changed to a trip to Wal Mart to get a crate, a re-arrangement of the living room (no other place to put her!) to give her a place that would be nice, and a “what will we call her” conversation.

    JezeBull was the first thought, but was lengthened to PITunia JezeBull.

    And a year later, she’s a bundle of energy, with the most ridiculous high-pitched voice.

    And her ears are still way too big for her head.

    1. Post
      Cynthia Herron

      Andrew, awww. Thanks so much for sharing that sweet memory! (Three cheers for your furry friend!) I can certainly see why that’s a Valentine’s Day you and your beloved will never forget. 🙂

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