paper and pen

The Waiting Game–Are You Poised for Success?

Cynthia Herron Writing 2 Comments

In the writing world, fewer things are harder than the wait. Whether it’s the expectation of what may happen or the weight of what won’t, writers tend to catalog their success by others’ acknowledgement. Why? Because we’re human. We’re either stymied by fear of the unknown or invigorated by possibility. Poised for success…or not. It should be about our work. …

The Waiting Game

Cynthia Herron Writing 5 Comments

Is there anything harder than waiting? Hmmm. I can think of relatively little.  Think check-out lanes. Stoplights. Doctors offices. Payday. Think of those interminable, stress-filled moments right before a test. A speech. A meeting. Or…if you’re a writer, think seasons. That word at least puts the process in a polite frame of reference. Though waiting and seasons aren’t always synonymous, seasons are generally …