
Three Happy Thoughts for Your Bright Spring Day

Cynthia Herron Motivation 2 Comments

Spring has arrived in my corner of the Ozarks and the valleys, mountains, and meadows are lush and green against a backdrop of endless blue sky. It’s always invigorating—this reawakening of musty earth mingled with winter’s last breath and spring’s first yawn. I don’t look forward to the arrival of spring storms, but I adore the seasonal shift from the …

Fall pumpkins

Fall into the Ozarks

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 6 Comments

It’s almost here! Can you feel it? For this born and bred Ozarkian gal, fall is my absolute favorite time of year! I adore the cool breeze and glorious color. If I must endure the 30 degree temperature shifts (sometimes, literally overnight), then I figure it’s finally payback. Fall in the Ozarks is a time like no other. There’s lots …

Silver Dollar City and the Ozarks… A Little Slice of Heaven

Cynthia Herron Family Time, Favorite Things 5 Comments

This past weekend, our family kicked off the spring season with our annual trek to Silver Dollar City. SDC is a Christian-owned and operated family theme park in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks and it’s all about fun, family, food, and fellowship in a Christ-centered setting. It’s a little slice of heaven and one of  my favorite places where time stands …

My Favorite Place Where Time Stands Still

Cynthia Herron Favorite Things 12 Comments

For years, our family has purchased season passes to Christian-owned and operated Silver Dollar City. SDC is a family-oriented theme park which showcases the Ozarks at its finest. It’s one of my favorite places where time stands still. Atmosphere, nostalgia, great food, and friendliness are hallmarks of this must-experience destination if you’re traveling to my neck of the woods. Bring your loved ones, …

10 Sweet Things about the Ozarks

Cynthia Herron Favorite Things 8 Comments

I’ve always told my husband, “I want to retire on the beach.” There’s just something about the sound of the incoming tide and living on island time that holds great appeal. Fewer tornadoes, no sudden temperature drops, and sunshine aplenty even in winter sound pretty sweet, too. Yep, I could definitely go for life on the water. I wonder, though, …

I Now Pronounce You…

Cynthia Herron Romance 12 Comments

Recently, I stopped at a fast food restaurant for an iced tea and a salad. Seated two tables across from me was an elderly couple in their early eighties (I’m guessing). The gentleman sported a somewhat wrinkled blue work shirt with faded blue jeans and sensible looking shoes. His wife wore a beige polyester dress, complete with a strand of dime store beads. Pausing briefly …

Collecting Wisdom

Cynthia Herron Favorite Things, Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 6 Comments

I remember as a little girl, I would often collect “treasures.” These might be ordinary items to someone else, but to me, these things were priceless. Old, shiny buttons, colorful scraps of fabric, and “wheat pennies” were a few of my favorite collectibles. I also found a few other things that I would toss in my “treasure box” (AKA an old, …

Earmarks of Greatness

Cynthia Herron Ministry 6 Comments

Dreams big. Doesn’t settle for just a bite. Goes for the whole enchilada! Failure is not an option. Goofs, yes. Giving up, no. Recognizes talents and shares them. Realizes gifts and invites others to open them. 4. Ditches doubt and develops perseverance. Is passionate about a ministry and knows God will equip us with what’s needed to get the job done. …

Spinning Tales

Cynthia Herron Writing Christian Fiction 2 Comments

For those who write, the wheels are always turning and it can be difficult to get our thoughts to “turn off.” Inspiration strikes when we least expect it–while driving, taking a shower, at family get-togethers, or even while dozing off at night.  And if you’re blessed to live in a particularly beautiful neck of the woods like I am, spinning tales …

Interesting Spice…This Thing Called Variety

Cynthia Herron Christianity, Family Time, Favorite Things 6 Comments

For the most part, I’m thrilled when I’m offered a variety of choices. Giving me multiple options makes me feel valued. It empowers me. It reaffirms my independence. It adds a bit of spice to life. On the other side of the coin, however, variety has the ability to overwhelm. There’s the tendency to overspend. If we’re not wise with …