“P” is for Patient (The Word Writers Know Best)

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 10 Comments

Do you ever have those moments where everywhere you turn God brings the same thing into focus—over and over again? It’s like God’s trying to tell you something until you really get it. Well, the last few months have been like that for me. In fact, recently it seemed like one word popped up on a daily basis. As I …

Writing 101: Write, Revise, Repeat

Cynthia Herron Writing 8 Comments

When I first started writing, I used anything I could get my hands on–tablets, stationery, legal pads, almost anything would do. It was a big day when I graduated to a typewriter. Then a word processor. Then a computer. I had arrived! I was finally going to be a real writer! Squeee! Ahhh  If only… If only there’d been Writing 101 waaayyy …