Put Down Your Drumstick and Let's Talk Turkey: Encouragement for Writers

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 12 Comments

Do you find that there are certain times of the year when you feel more productive? Do you ever feel like George Bailey did in It’s a Wonderful Life–that you could lasso the moon given half the chance? I think, for me, those times are probably the summer months. There are a lot more distractions (outdoor activities, weekend commitments, traveling, …

Put Down Your Drumstick and Let’s Talk Turkey: Encouragement for Writers

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 12 Comments

Do you find that there are certain times of the year when you feel more productive? Do you ever feel like George Bailey did in It’s a Wonderful Life–that you could lasso the moon given half the chance? I think, for me, those times are probably the summer months. There are a lot more distractions (outdoor activities, weekend commitments, traveling, …