Like many of you, I grew up during the “simpler times.” At least that’s how it seemed to me when I was a youngster. Life was less harried and moved at a slower pace. Until my pre-teen years I lived in a small town in a small house and attended a small school. My mother was a stay-at-home mama for many years …
The Mother/Daughter Bond and How it Affects Self-Image
Years ago, I knew a young woman who struggled with poor self-esteem and body image issues. “Pat” (not her real name) didn’t make friends easily, nor did she often go out. When she did venture out of the comfort zone of her home, it was usually just to run a few quick errands. Rarely, was it because of a social occasion. Pat and I became close for …
Bittersweet Back-to-School Days
After weeks of sweltering heat and hardly a drop of rain, I’m somewhat relieved that fall seems closer. There’s still a bit of summer left, but summer vacation is now officially over at our house, and it’s back to school for our daughter and back to some uninterrupted writing time for me. As we ready the usual school supplies, P.E. …
Intimacy Within Christian Fiction: Writing with Integrity
*I’m spending the day with my daughter since school bells will be ringing on Monday. I hope you enjoy this updated re-post. Don’t forget to check out my superfab prizes for my end-of-the-month blog drawing. And hop over to this link for more info on the RULES and how to enter.* For writers of faith-based romance, it seems to be …
Announcing August Blog Giveaway
Since my July blog giveaway was a $15 Barnes & Noble gift card, I wanted to do something a little different for the month of August. This month’s giveaway will feature two fun (and creative) items. Many of you know I dig coffee, chocolate, and music. What better way is there to unwind? I was at T.J. Maxx recently and found …
What (Lazy) Fellowship Says about a Church
Where I’m from, we’re known as a friendly bunch. We wave at folks we don’t know, we smile for no apparent reason, and we might call you “neighbor” even if we’ve just met you. That’s life in the Ozarks. Living in the buckle of the “Bible Belt” affords many intimate and unique worship opportunities. Since denominations are manmade and not God-created, I’ve always been less …
July Winner & a Blogging Break
I’m taking a blogging break until Monday, but first: July’s blog drawing winner is Jessica P. Woohoo! Congratulations, Jess! Contact me with your mailing address and I’ll get your $15 Barnes & Noble gift card in the mail. Remember, at the end of each month I’ll have another blog giveaway for an equally cool prize. To recap, here are the …
Why I Write Faith-Based Romance: 10 Reasons
It was a pleasure last week to have author Keli Gwyn visiting. Though the deadlines for those blog drawings are past, if you didn’t get a chance to read those posts, you really should. Keli is a rising star in Christian fiction and just an all-around fabulous gal! The winner of Friday’s drawing is Patti J! Patti has won a copy of Keli’s …
Well, Snap! You Mean Anyone Can Have Courage?
Facades are so exhausting. Wouldn’t you agree? Trying to be someone/something we’re not ranks right up there with getting a root canal. It’s time-consuming, costly, and often, rather uncomfortable. Why, then, do we do it? Are we afraid that if people see the “real us” they’ll not like what they see? Are we afraid of being perceived as ignorant? Are we afraid? …
Stinky Socks, Rump Roasts, and Writing
When we’re children, I don’t know that we can fully appreciate our roots. In fact, I’m sure we can’t. Things like culture, heritage, family history, and geographic locale aren’t on our “life in the moment” radar. Children live in the now. A child’s world is immediacy. It’s Mama’s smile at breakfast; Daddy’s hug as he leaves for work. It’s macaroni …