I talked to a friend recently who adores Heartfelt, Homespun Fiction (which, of course, happens to be my tagline.) “What do you like about it?” (I was curious and–yes, I admit–I wanted to use her answer for this blog post.) She thought for a moment and then smiled. “It’s like a hot fudge sundae. Sweet and satisfying, but leaves me wanting …
Writing 101: Write, Revise, Repeat
When I first started writing, I used anything I could get my hands on–tablets, stationery, legal pads, almost anything would do. It was a big day when I graduated to a typewriter. Then a word processor. Then a computer. I had arrived! I was finally going to be a real writer! Squeee! Ahhh If only… If only there’d been Writing 101 waaayyy …
When the Peonies Refused to Bloom
I once attended church with a dear, silver-bunned matron who I thought was widowed. It wasn’t until many years later I learned the truth. “Maude” (not her real name) was divorced. It happened in the late 1950’s when anything less than marital bliss wasn’t discussed. At least openly. After her divorce, Maude went on to work long hours in a laundry …
10 Pieces of Advice for Beginning Writers
Twenty years ago, the world of writing was a much different scenario. Writers had fewer irons in the fire and more time to create. The internet was still new, a “social media presence” unheard of, and snail mail the order of the day. Today, we have the ability to research from home at the touch of a keyboard. We can …
Buy My Zebra! Kiss My Grandma! “Like” My Socks! Has Social Media Gone Overboard?
Have you noticed the same trend I have? (No, I’m not talking about the underwear as outerwear fashion phe-nom. Or the Honey Bugaboo disrespect-is-in head-scratcher. Or even the grizzly gore buffet that’s pandered to us on a daily basis.) Those things DO ruffle me, but they deserve another blog post in and of themselves. What I’m referring to is not as insidious, but still, it disturbs me …
Office Re-Do Update
Gracious! Friday, already? Yay! I don’t know about you, but Friday is the highlight of my week. Especially this week. I’ve had appointments every day, and I’m ready for some down time. Except… do writers ever really “do” downtime? You may remember (a few months ago) I told you about my office re-do. Well, I’m still in the midst of it. …
What You Need Today if Life Is Hard Just Now
Greetings! I’m so glad you stopped by! If life is hard just now or you’re a tad at loose ends, then come on in, kick off your shoes, and sit a spell. What you need is a dollop of lovin’ and a dose of encouragement! And you’re in the right place. Today’s post is for YOU. I know. You don’t want to be …
Be a Different Egg. Don’t Get Scrambled!
We’ve all met those folks who are “different eggs.” They march to the beat of a different drum. They come from various walks of life and they have a unique approach to the world around them. Maybe you’re one of those eggs–a delightful creative who thinks in the abstract and acts on “gut.” If that describes you, here’s what I …
It Happened Again
It happened again. It’s not something I like to talk about because I’m the kind of gal who doesn’t like to hurt folks’ feelings. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, kind people–gals, guys, writers, bakers, and candlestick makers–get used. And not in a good way. Today’s post is a little diddy about TIME. If that’s something you struggle with or find difficult to balance, then …
The Story That Will Change Your Life
I’ll get right to the point. Friends, this is the story that will change your life. Pour yourselves a cup of coffee, grab a scone, and I’ll tell you why. I read more fiction than memoirs, but when I heard bits and pieces of Dabney Hedegard’s miraculous healing, I was hooked. I HAD to have this book. I had to know this young woman’s …