Hope: 20 Reasons to Throw Open Your Windows

Cynthia Herron Hope 6 Comments

“You’re going to lose your colon. You might as well get used to the idea.” There were no preliminaries. No handshake, no niceties. Not even a polite introduction. The pediatric gastroenterologist barely glanced at our fourteen-year-old son before flipping through his medical file. “Medications aren’t working. Treatments aren’t helping. You’re one sick kid and you’re out of options.” With military-like …

Waterlilies reflection

Downtime Dillydallying: 15 Tips for a Stress-Free Weekend

Cynthia Herron Downtime 6 Comments

Come Friday (or Fried-Day) I think most of us would agree the weekend can’t come quick enough. And let’s be honest—when noon rolls around on this delightful day of the week, who doesn’t start watching the clock? (If your hand went up, lean forward. I’m whipping out my wet noodle.) While I love what I do, I work hard. During …

Happy and Carefree

Sometimes You Need a Breather. Fresh Air HERE.

Cynthia Herron Positive Thinking 4 Comments

For many this is a difficult week. Religious freedom threatened. Violence abroad and at home. Health crises. The loss of loved ones. Heartache. Hopelessness. Indecision. Human frailties thrust to the forefront—open and exposed. The list goes on. Sometimes, it’s all just too much. Sometimes, you simply need a breather—a dose of fresh air to revive your senses. Something to remind …

Children encouraging one another.

Got a Minute? Encourage Someone!

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 4 Comments

“You can do it. I have faith in you!” Simple words. Profound message. If not for those encouraging affirmations, where would many of us be today? Probably parked in neutral paused at the intersection. Without encouragement, life overwhelms. We’re not motivated to try harder, aim higher, or move forward because our effort seems pointless. Nothing makes sense. Sure, we can …

Sunflower and Red Barn

Growing up in the Ozarks

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 4 Comments

Like many of you, I grew up during the “simpler times.” At least that’s how it seemed to me when I was a little girl. (I’m sure my mama and daddy had a different perspective.) Life was less harried and moved at a slower pace. Until my pre-teen years I lived in a small town in a small house and attended a …

Prep Mode for What Comes Next

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life 6 Comments

We’re  in prep mode at our house. Summer’s flown by and now we’re prepping for school. There’s the usual busyness—a new haircut, an annual physical, clothes shopping, tennis lessons, calendar updates—and all that goes with the start of a new school year. While our educator son prepares for his second year of teaching, our teen daughter transitions to a new …

Plane heading south

When Brands Go South

Cynthia Herron Uncategorized 4 Comments

In today’s world where we’re surrounded with a buffet of opportunity, I’m always intrigued by people’s choices. “Branding” and the methodology behind it fascinates me. Why do certain brands work? Why do others go south? How successful is rebranding when confidence is compromised? As a writer, I’m conscientious of everything that goes into my work. My website. This blog. What …

Pink Peony

Need Encouraged? Read this! (This One’s for You!)

Cynthia Herron Positive Thinking 2 Comments

Well, it was an interesting week.  (Yes. That sublime word—interesting.) We’ll get to the encouraging part of this post in a moment. We cat-sat for our educator son while he attended a technology seminar in the great state of Florida. You know… Learning. Hard Rock Cafe. Cocoa Beach. Tough job, but someone had to do it. Henry, our son’s beloved, …

Summertime in the country

When Seasons Affect Our Writing Goals

Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Summer used to be my most productive season. I’d make a list of goals, hunker down for the duration, and set about my task. With a few exceptions, I’d accomplish nearly everything on my list. Well—not so this summer. This summer has been a busy season. It’s been a poignant time marked with highs and lows. The highs came with …

Sunset over lakefront

Ready for a Recharge? Encouragement You Can Use!

Cynthia Herron Encouragement 4 Comments

I don’t know about you, but occasionally a recharge is in order. Be it a mid-summer slump, transitional doldrums, or weariness with the writing journey,  sometimes it’s necessary to just unwind and take a load off—physically and mentally. If today’s that day for you, my friend, hurrah! Don’t be shy. Kick off your shoes, take a deep breath, and indulge. …