There’s a saying that if you don’t like the weather (in the Ozarks) one day, stick around. The next day will be totally different. For instance, yesterday, our little niche registered eighty-one degrees. Today, we’re expecting a high of forty-five. Forty-five? Ahh, well. That’s life in the Ozarks.
As winds shift and the season grows cooler, the Ozark hills and hollows pop with assorted colors. Saffron, russet, and orange—they’re all there—as God paints this old earth with supernatural brushstrokes. Fall has finally made her glorious début.
Since fall is, hands-down, my favorite time of year, I adore the cooler temperatures and the seasonal shift. I’m not a fan of cold weather, but I know good stuff lies beyond dormant seasons.
With change comes reflection. Growth. Goals. Wisdom and renewed vision. Still, sometimes, change is ohh so hard.
Like the trees and grass and all things colorful, we watch old dreams wither and die, only to, perhaps, be replaced with new and improved ones. We dream dreams that may not make sense in the tangible, but because of our ever-present hope, we plow forward. We navigate the course that defies logic—the one that suspends belief—because we recognize we don’t have to have all the answers. We don’t have to worry that our dream makes sense or that others may doubt it.
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)
As one season dies, another awaits.
Fall is our now, but spring always follows.
As I’ve so often said, our dream may not be what we plan, dream, or hope. Often, it’ll be something better. Something that far surpasses anything we envision.
But first…we wait.
We grasp the beauty at hand and revel in the season.
Even if it’s hard.
We can do hard.
Because hard things are opportunities to rewrite the future.
Not a perfect future, but one infused with hope.
Here are six fall pick-me-ups to encourage you as you wait.
1. Provision (Trusting God When It’s Hard)
Realizing God provides even when our plans don’t mesh with His.
2. When You Must Go Through the Forest to See Daylight
Discouragement is real. Crud’s a given. But your forest is temporary. Here’s why.
3. Hope for Your Frost-Filled Season
The Polly Perfect persona is a fallacy. What you need to know if you’ve lost hope.
4. 7 Reasons to Love What You Do
When your now becomes new and seven reasons to love it.
5. Don’t Compare Your Productive Season to Someone Else’s
Reasons why writers shouldn’t measure their productivity by someone else’s yardstick.
How to stay sane as the world goes crazy.
And one more to grow on:
A Dose of Truth for the Weary Writer
Blazing old trails with new ideas. Encouragement for the exhausted writer.
Happy, blessed fall!
Seasonal blahs, be gone! Encouragement for your season.
Need a five-minute “feel good”? Six thoughts to encourage you!
Original Image Credit: Couleur/Pixabay
What excites you about new seasons?
See you back soon!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 2
You have such a nice blog ☺
Jennifer, thanks so much! Delighted you stopped by. 🙂