There was a time when doctors, hospitals, and all things medicine defined my world.
For years, I existed on tiny, fragmented seeds of hope. Out-of-touch nonsense according to some. A mama’s heart-wish according to others.
If you’ve missed those blogs, start here:
“Easy” is Fun, but It’s the Hard Things That Deliver
Hope: 20 Reasons to Throw Open Your Windows
I suppose if one wanted to speak in generalities, it was true. I believed in something bigger. Something more. Something beyond the black and white prognosis of what one expert termed “walking death.”
Yes, I believed.
Did then. Do now.
Because hope refutes logic. It doesn’t make sense to the finite mind. Belief in something other than man-made perspective shocks and confounds.
Humanity’s so geared to grasping the tangible, that often, its counterpart seems ignorant, if not far-fetched.
Experts want to put hope in a nice, tidy box labeled Do Not Open.
The contents scare them.
Ironic, when you consider that. I mean—isn’t hope the very essence of why we’re here?
God created us.
He sent Jesus.
Now we choose.
We choose to remain stationary—to stagnate within society’s sensible perimeters—or we move forward, perhaps at a crawl, toward the light of possibility.
It’s why we put our clothes on in the morning…when lying there would be easier.
It’s why we face the uncomfortable…when we’d rather ignore it.
It’s why we speak truth and give hope a voice…when silence would seem the wiser option.
Hope is why we do anything…and everything.
It’s not supposed to make sense.
It’s irrational.
Belief—in the best up ahead.
Hope affirms our life-mission.
It resurrects dreams from ashes.
It prompts us to persevere.
It primes our frost-filled season for victory.
Hope has our back.
My friend, today if you’re struggling with clarity in this time of grief, uncertainty, or hardship, please know Polly Perfect is a myth. In fact, that’s a carefully manufactured persona of who the world would have us believe is entitled to hope.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Think about it.
Perfect people need no hope. They have it already figured out.
The reality, though?
Fallacies lie.
And let’s be honest. There are no Polly Perfects—just the products of overactive imaginations and embellished ideals.
The raw, unvarnished reality is this—
Every one of us will face a frost-filled season.
Some seasons sting and last briefly.
Others gouge and scar for a lifetime.
It doesn’t mean hope’s moved on and left us in the dust.
It means we acknowledge the season and retire it for blessings ahead.
That’s the point.
If it were, hope wouldn’t be necessary.
“…Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us…” Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)
Some seasons sting and last briefly. Others gouge and scar for a lifetime. The hope you need TODAY.
Feeling stressed and worn out? HOPE for your season.
Original Image Credit: ukanga/Pixabay
What have you learned from a frost-filled season?
How has hope made a difference?
See you back soon ~
Much Love and Many Blessings,