I started blogging in 2011, and to date, have written 700+ blog posts. Whew. That’s a lot of blogging!
While I’ve repurposed some of those posts, much of my content is new, fresh, and relevant.
As I’ve evolved and grown as a writer, so have my blogging skills.
Since this isn’t a writing blog (it’s a creative outlet to uplift and encourage), I rarely focus on mechanics or tips/advice here since there are industry experts with great blogs committed solely to that cause.
Sometimes, I do chat about writing while offering some personal perspective, but again—the focus here is to inspire, share, and motivate. (And, as you know, we usually do that over cyber coffee and maybe a wee bit of chocolate…because what better way to bond and spread the love? 😉 )
Now—that said—today let’s visit a moment about the question everyone’s asking: Should writers blog?
Generally, writing and publishing professionals agree that the answer is yes if one’s focus is non-fiction where many of those authors are expected to be experts in their fields (because a healthy platform and large numbers are musts in securing contracts and subsequent sales). Fiction authors are granted a reprieve there.
While platform and visibility are important, writing our stories must come first. Of course, in an ideal world, it would be ohh so lovely if we could blog and build platform while cranking out books.
We don’t live in an ideal world. *sigh*
Fiction writers wear multiple hats. We’re moms, dads, and caregivers. Many work other jobs outside the home and we shoulder myriad responsibilities. With what time there is left at the end of our sometimes crazy day, will we blog or will we write our stories and finish our manuscripts?
Over the years, I’ve blogged on a regular basis.
I started out at five days a week. Loved it, but that pace exhausted me.
Whittled that down to three days per week. Liked it, but not enough writing time.
I shaved off a day and went to two days per week (which is where I’m at now.) Doable. Enjoyable. BUT—still work.
Some writing friends have scaled back on their blogging like I have, while still others have all but quit.
Again—just not enough hours in the day to write quality posts, much less research, plot, and write our stories.
Limited blogging means limited visitors and comments, of course.
And speaking of comments, I’m guilty, too. I just can’t visit as many blogs as I used to and still accomplish my writing goals.
However, here’s the thing.
Fiction writers who blog regularly still have an advantage. Several, actually.
- We’re visible.
- We’re building a platform, albeit small, perhaps.
- We’re learning discipline and deadlines.
- We’re growing our brand.
- We’re building our writing muscles.
- We’re adding value.
- We’re relying on us, not social media to act in our best interest. (Because mediums like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. just won’t. Though being active on those things may enhance our visibility, their algorithms work in their favor, not ours. )
Now—the flip side is this. When blogging interferes with our creative process, our writing schedules, or the storytelling itself, breaks and sabbaticals are in order. In fact, over the past year, I’ve taken several.
Like with most things, balance is key.
Blogging doesn’t make us or break us as writers.
It clears a creative path in a sometimes dark and desolate forest.
We learn as we go.
Blogging isn’t the be all, end all.
It’s an additional tool in our writer sheds we use to advance our cause.
It’s not for everyone and that really is okay.
We’re creatives.
And creatives do things differently.
The truth about blogging. The pros and the cons.
Why blog? Thoughts writers should consider.
Be a Different Egg. Don’t Get Scrambled!
Does a Newsletter Scare You? Five Ways to Rock It!
Original Image Credit: StockSnap/Pixabay
Do you read a variety of blogs?
Which ones do you enjoy the most?
As you read, blog, and write, does a regular schedule work best for you?
Coffee pot’s on! So is tea! …And I’m pouring. Join me?
Much Love and Many Blessings,