We’ve all met those folks who are “different eggs.” They march to the beat of a different drum. They come from various walks of life and they have a unique approach to the world around them. Maybe you’re one of those eggs–a delightful creative who thinks in the abstract and acts on “gut.”
If that describes you, here’s what I want to say: It really is OKAY.
I’m not talking about the in-your-face, odd ducks we meet every now and then. I’m thinking more about those sensitive, kind-hearted souls who feel things deeply and think beyond boundaries. Their self-worth isn’t determined by society’s perception of “perfect.” They’re not limited by the doable or hindered by fear. They’re movers and shakers and dreamers and workers.
They’re game-changers.
They jump in the middle of life and go for broke!
When I was a little girl, I so wanted to fit in. I wanted to be scrambled eggs like everyone else. Those were the eggs that satisfied. They appeased, yet there was nothing unique or different about them. They all looked the same.
By second grade I realized I was different. I colored outside the lines. I asked “why?” a lot. I found words beautiful and exotic. I liked spelling bees, chapter books, and bright, red crayons. And I adored garden peas, fried quail, and tomato preserves.
Still, I rarely broke rules, and one time I was voted “Princess of the Class.” I tried my best to blend in and not create waves though it left my eight-year-old heart conflicted.
Why couldn’t I be a normal, middle-of-the-road egg and not viewed as odd just because I saw the world in pretty shades of neon? Why couldn’t I have it both ways?
I was a kid. A kid with a huge imagination who preferred polka-dots to black and white.
Ahhh… Life is but a conundrum.
Years passed. I grew older. I got smarter. I understood “different” wasn’t bad. If it hadn’t been for my parents and other encouragers along the way, I might have been content as a “normal,” middle-of-the-road egg.
Thank heaven I now know that round pegs in square holes make life more interesting. We’re free-thinkers and visionaries.
And, too, we value our faith, freedom, and family. We appreciate tradition, yet we embrace possibility. Same is nice, but different is extraordinary!
Another thing–a side note really…
I don’t eat scrambled eggs anymore. When I make them for my family, I shun plain. I’ll liven them up with Mrs. Dash and ham, cheese, or bacon bits. Something.
My preference is to create beauty from blah. And to me, scrambled is blah.
If scrambled eggs are your bag, then more power to you. But–just think how tasty a colorful Quiche is when compared to the same ol’ thing.
Not only is Quiche more appealing, it has substance. It has various and interesting ingredients that make it unique.
Remember, “different” means veering course once in a while and blazing new trails. Different is bold and witty without the melodrama. “Different eggs” respect other’s opinions while having a few of their own.
The point is: dare to be different! Break the yolk, but don’t get scrambled!
Be the egg who refuses to jump in the skillet just because it’s quick, fashionable, or tried-and-true. Don’t let another minute go by without realizing your potential.
You’re not weird because you’re different.
You’re a gem because God made you that way.
In what ways are you unique?
In other words, what makes you YOU?
Dare to be different. Break the yolk, but don’t get scrambled! (Click to Tweet)
How to tell if you’re a visionary: (Click to Tweet)
Here’s why “different eggs” have all the fun: (Click to Tweet)
Photo Credits: Creative Commons
Happy Friday and Blessings Always,

Comments 6
This is wonderful, Cynthia, and I love that you’re inspiring people to embrace what makes them different. As for me, hmm, I tend to dress in my own style (which really isn’t much of a style at all)…haha! But I would say, perhaps my voice is what makes me a little unique as a writer…not sure, but I do know that I *know* when I’m writing in my voice. It feels right in a way trying to sound like anyone else doesn’t.
Melissa, exactly! When we realize that we’re all unique in our own separate ways, I think that’s when we begin to shine. Trying to mirror someone else stifles creativity and limits potential! 🙂
I love this outlook, Cindy! I love that you’re not scrambled, but beautiful and unique and colorful in the most pleasing kind of way. As for me, I was always unique in my love for my hometown and history. When other children my age were out doing who-knows-what, I was volunteering at the age of fourteen at our historical society. When my peers were planning their escape from our small town after high school, I was dreaming up ways to help others see the beauty in it (thus my desire to write historical fiction set in my lovely town). I was one of those people who puzzled others. Not because I was different, but because I knew what I wanted in life very early on–and I was content. Thank you for reminding me how wonderful it is to be something other than scrambled eggs. 🙂
Gabe, thank you for your kind words!
I’m not at all surprised by your volunteer work at age fourteen, but that is truly awesome! You were wise beyond your years–(most creatives are, I think.) I knew from the moment I met you that you were a “different egg.” In a good way! 🙂
I’m so honored to call you “friend.”
Great metaphor, Cynthia. Make mine Quiche!
Patti, hear-hear! No scrambled eggs for us! 🙂