I Love YOU More… A little post about God, writing, and you.

Cynthia Herron Writing 2 Comments


The dilemma.

Somewhere along your writing path, the trek will grow wearisome. Sun-starved. Never-ending.

You may wonder why you started the journey.

You may self-compare.

You may even consider quitting.

What made you think you could possibly juggle life, family, writing, and oh, yeah—God—when you can barely come up for air as you do yet one more thing?

Sound familiar?

Then this post is for you.

Scoot a little closer.

I’m pouring coffee and I’ve even jellied your toast. 🙂


About a year ago, I reflected on all this and more.

I evaluated stressors.

I assessed the journey and pin-pointed some specific triggers—those niggles of unease that skitter down our spines and drill deep into our bones.

You know the ones.

Triggers like too much on our plates. With no room to digest.


Heavy workload.

Not enough me time.

Stressors that should be easy fixes, but unfortunately, become a way of life. Patterns. Habits.

And you know what they say about habits.

It requires the conscientious effort to change them and thirty days (or more) to shake off the old and put on the new.

The a-ha moment.

When our daughter was a little girl, it tickled her to out-best me.

For example, often when I said “I love you,” she’d respond in kind with this: “I love you, too, Mama…all the way up to the moon.”

And so it started. “Well, I love you more—all the way up to the moon and beyond.”

“And I love you all the way up to the moon and beyond and past the tip-top of Jesus’s head. And God’s too.”


How could I one-up darling daughter on that?

Already, our child was thinking with a big God mindset. She understood love began and ended with our Heavenly Father. He hung the moon, and not only that, he was above it, too!

I remembered our playful banter.

And I had an epiphany of sorts. It’s time to clear the path.

To make way for some sunshine.

I surrendered.

I laid this writing gig at God’s feet. (Not that I hadn’t before, but this time was different. I was spent. Done in. Washed out. Exhausted.)

I really want this, Lord, but I can’t keep up this pace. Please show me what I’m supposed to do.

What I changed. You can change, too.

Well, as you may have guessed, God didn’t send lightning bolts and claps of thunder. Or unicorns and fairy dust.

God does work in big and miraculous ways, but sometimes, His will comes by way of a whisper—a goal realized or a challenge met.

And because he loves us more, he knows what we need when we need it.

A bold affirmation or a gentle nod. Both equally effective when God’s in charge. (I’m sharing one of those recent moments next Tuesday, April 5th, with the Seekerville blog community.)

Now, as you’ve probably noticed, and as I’ve mentioned in recent months, I’m not as active on Facebook, Twitter, etc. as I once was.

I still enjoy connecting with you on social media, but that’s one ball I’m juggling a little less. You should, too.

Let’s face it. Not everyone looks that great in Wonder Woman’s Spanx. *wink*

Remember my post about time management for writers? Well, I’m revisiting that, too.

And I’m leaving the guilt behind as I live, love, and write from my little corner of the Ozarks.

Coffee’s still on.

Join me?




A bold affirmation or a gentle nod. How does God answer prayer?

(Click to Tweet)

God, writing, and you. When it’s time to reassess.

(Click to Tweet)

Do your goals mirror God’s? Why it may be time for a change.

(Click to Tweet)


Accept the Chick-fil-A Challenge: Encourage More.

Buy My Zebra! Kiss My Grandma! “Like” My Socks. Has Social Media Gone Overboard?

Don’t Compare Your Productive Season to Someone Else’s


Original Image Credit: Condesign/Pixabay

How are you being intentional about your goals? Your time?

Have you juggled too many balls? What did you do about it?

See you Friday, my friend!

And don’t forget—my next newsletter goes to subscribers’ inboxes Friday morning, too. Hope you’ll join us!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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