Going For Broke

Cynthia Herron Writing Christian Fiction 6 Comments

I’ve always been a “go for broke” kind of person. In other words, I believe anything that’s worth doing is worth doing well.

I think when we’re younger, we tend to hang back a bit because of fear. Not just reluctance–fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of peer perceptions. And maybe, as odd as it sounds, even fear of success.

In our youth, sometimes it’s difficult to see the bigger picture. Our world view becomes skewed because we let ourselves be defined by others’ thoughts, actions, words, demeanors, and even clothing choices. We don’t see beyond the scope of our own little bubble and the immediacy of our perceived situation so anything outside of that seems incomprehensible. Our now is all we know and understand at the time.

As we mature, however, we gradually come to realize that the sun will still rise even if Johnny doesn’t pick us to be on the favored ball team or even if Susie Q doesn’t invite us to her bunking party on Friday night. Those things will hurt our feelings for a while, but we eventually move past it into adulthood and prepare for another season.

Now that I’m older, I have to say there’s a new freedom that’s settled about me. I’ve always strived to do my best. I think though, at this life stage, I just strive to do my best with more gusto. I’m not as apt to get keyed up over the small things. Life’s too short. I don’t worry as much if I make a mistake or a faux pas. Everyone does. If someone doesn’t like me…well, that’s unfortunate. I’m going to love ’em anyway because that’s what the scriptures have commanded. (I may not want to, but I’m going to go for broke and try!)

I can’t say that this freedom is necessarily a coming of age thing. I believe that as we transition from being a baby Christian into a seasoned believer we learn to step out on faith and realize that He is our be all, end all and it just shouldn’t matter one Ozarkian iota if someone doesn’t care for my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. What matters is the content of my character, my desire to serve my Heavenly Father and others, and my conscious choice to love Jesus and share the news of salvation. If I’m able to demonstrate those things, then I know I’ve truly given my best.

Now, that being said, please don’t misunderstand. As I’ve relayed before, I want folks to like me. I enjoy making friends. It wounds me when I think I’ve hurt someone and I want to fix it and make it better.

I suppose that’s why I’m drawn to writing. I like creating stories about love, hardship, endurance, and overcoming obstacles. Since I’ve experienced those things (and I bet you have, too), writing tales comes naturally for me.

I want the love of Jesus to shine through me as I craft a story. It’s a goosebump moment when I clearly sense the Holy Spirit guiding my words.

I write Christian romance, keeping in mind that it all begins (and ends) with our ultimate Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. In my stories, I talk about the dating scene, expectations, purity, faith, marriage, and life paths. I write the books that I would be proud to have Jesus read, as well as my own children!

My stories are about as down-to-earth as I am. I don’t beat around the bush when tackling certain topics such as temptation. My goal isn’t to offend; it’s to educate. At the same time, unless it’s leading a certain character to Christ, I won’t write unsavory junk.

Taking my Savior’s name in vain, profanity, sex outside of marriage, gratuitous violence just for the sheer shock value, and other “in-your-face” elements are not my style or what I’m called to do. My ministry is to please my Heavenly Father first and an editor second. I’m going to go for broke or have a great, ol’ time trying!


What have you elected to “go for broke” for today or in the future?

Comments 6

  1. pattisj

    There is much satisfaction if giving one’s all, a job well done. I can tell you are very thorough in what you do…an admirable trait. Keep up the good work, Cynthia.

  2. Its me Liz•E

    I needed to read your post today….God has really been working on me in the same areas…I’m a perfectionist and I am trying to learn to simplify life, realize God didn’t put us here to be self-sufficient and just turn more over to Him…including people’s thoughts or judgements about me.

    1. Cynthia Herron

      Simplify. Such a grand word! Good for you! 🙂

      And we all (well, most of us) have an innate desire to be liked and well thought of. We can’t control what people think about us, but we CAN control how we deal with the situation. You’re an awesome, God-created human being and He is doing a ministry through you, “LizE.” Be confident in that!

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