Original Image Credit: Public Domain/Pixabay
Although not officially summer yet, we’re in summer vacation mode over our way.
(Meaning: Schools out and we’re doing the Happy Dance!)
Besides end-of-school wind-down, June kick-starts some wedding anniversaries for our family. That generally includes fun, food, and fellowship. (Did I mention food?)
Here in the Ozarks, (God’s country), we love to celebrate happy occasions. I bet you do, too!
The great thing?
Celebrating doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
Sometimes, heartfelt, homespun expressions are better than fancy bells and whistles.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Five Ways to Rock Your Heartfelt, Homespun Anniversary
(Ozarks Style):
1. Start with a pretty place setting and tablescape. (Notice I said pretty. Even simple can seem fancy with just the right touch.) This is one from the archives—thus the Valentine missive—but you get the idea.
2. Add a little scrumptiousness. (Bring on the food!) Simple, not fancy, remember? No need to slave away in the kitchen all day—unless you want to, of course. Here’s an idea from the archives. (And your sweetie will love you for this one. Beer can chicken—in this case, soda pop chicken—pairs well with just about anything. Here’s a deelish recipe via Food Network similar to the one Sis uses.)
3. Splurge with the perfect, not fancy, dessert. (Remember—you’re going for heartfelt, homespun here.) Below is an example of my mama’s Heaven in a Cloud angel food cake. (Oh. My. Word! Your beloved will sing your praises for this.) Side note: This recipe will appear in my July newsletter so if you’re a subscriber, stay tuned. And if you’re not a subscriber yet, there’s still time. Just sign up over in the sidebar. Each month you’ll receive faith-filled, encouragement-packed content delivered right to your inbox.
Happy, Blessed 56th! I love you, Mama and Daddy!
Another heartfelt, homespun goodie comes from Sis’s kitchen. (Again, here’s a recipe via Ree Drummond, Food Network that’s similar.)
(Thanks, dear niece, for sharing your mouth-watering photo!)
Annnd Happy, Happy Anniversary to Sis and her beloved! (((HUGS)))
4. Don’t forget the fun and fellowship! One of our favorite family hang-outs (and a fun place to celebrate) is Silver Dollar City, nestled within the gorgeous Ozark foothills. To get the best bang for our buck, our family purchases season passes. We enjoy this step back in time to a place that’s ripe with culture and rich in heritage. It takes us back to our heartfelt, homespun Ozarkian roots.
A fave of mine at SDC is The Wilderness Church where I feel close to God and nature. (When we visited last weekend, there was a wedding scheduled for later that day. Ahh.)
5. Last, but best not be least—get your praise on! What better way to celebrate a wedding anniversary than to share the love? Below is a box of scripture cards I once rescued from someone’s throwaway pile.
“Oh, you can have them if you like. I found those in some of Mom’s junk after she died.”
Can you imagine? (I know. Me either. I just shook my head.) Self-absorption is so unbecoming.
But let me tell you—I was thrilled with my newfound treasures. They’d obviously meant something to a dear, departed soul, and over the years, the little scripture cards have come to mean a great deal to our family, as well.
Often at mealtime I set these on the table and we pass the box around so everyone can take a card. Each family member reads a scripture and we discuss it. Again—a simple, but heartfelt, homespun gesture. It sets the tone for the meal and/or celebration.
No scripture cards?
No worries!
Jot your favorite Bible verses on note cards and cut them in strips along the lines. Store them in a colorful jar or plastic container within close reach. See? Easy!

A box of “Memory Verses” I rescued years ago from someone’s throw-away pile. Cost: free. Impact? Profound.
I’ll give you one guess whose anniversary is up next. (Look out, July!)
And you can bet we’ll rock it in true Ozarkian style. (I’m letting darling husband cook dinner! He just doesn’t know it yet. Well… unless he reads today’s blog post.)
How to celebrate life, love, and anniversaries without breaking your piggy bank.
Five heartfelt, homespun anniversary ideas (Ozarks style!)
From China to the Ozarks: A Girl, A Dream, and Sweet Sixteen
How Doug Pitt Brought Life Full Circle for One Forever Family
When You’re Drowning in Dandelions…Laugh!
That Love Thing…Why the Biblical Definition Matters
What are your tips for rocking a heartfelt, homespun anniversary?
What has marriage taught you?
If you’ve recently subscribed to my monthly newsletter/blog posts—welcome! I’m already hard at work on July’s newsletter with great, uplifting content designed just for you!
See you back on Friday!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 4
Beautiful post Sis! 🙂
Sis, may your special day be blessed beyond measure! Much love to you and yours!
I love this!
What’s marriage taught me…well, that it’s about putting someone else first, and to understand that my wife doesn’t need to hear every thought I have.
I learned to put a filter on my mouth; now I don’t say a lot more than I do, and we’re both happier for it.
Andrew, wise words! You made me smile.