Coffee + Jennifer Rothschild = Fresh Grounded Faith (A Must-Attend Conference!)

Cynthia Herron Christianity 13 Comments

Like many women, I’m a multi-tasker. I usually have several dozen things going on at once and only two hands and one self to accomplish everything that needs done in a 24 hour day. Combined with a full-time writing career and a little, ol’ side dish of social media, life can become a bit rattled sometimes.

We realize how important it is to occasionally step back and recharge, but yet somehow, one day melts into the next. Before long, a week has passed. Then a month. Then half a year. Eventually, along the way we get lost in the shuffle. We can’t remember when we last did something for ourselves–something to nurture ourselves and our souls.

Why is it we tend to feel guilty when we take time out of our hectic schedules to kick back and take a load off, both mentally and physically? Is it because as wives, mothers, and career women that we somehow think we’ll be perceived as lazy? Are we afraid that anything other than the nurturers, caregivers, and workers that we’re taught to be will be misconstrued as dishonorable?

Whatever society’s mindset, I can’t speak for anyone else. All I know is that, for me, lack of attention to myself and my own needs (if it continues for very long) not only drains me of productivity, but it also robs me of something that is non-negotiable in God’s eyes–spiritual renewal.

That’s why, several months ago, I decided to register for the Fresh Grounded Faith Conference which was held in my area this past weekend.

I’d never participated in a women’s conference quite this big, and I had no idea really what to expect. I did realize that it would be an opportunity to connect with other Christian women, who like me, were in need of a “battery recharge” and a time-out from the everyday demands of a fast-paced life.

And I have to be honest. The conference’s guest line-up was amazing!

Of course there was Jennifer Rothschild, the Fresh Grounded Faith lady herself. Also speaking and performing were: Kathy Troccoli, Carl Herrgesell, Angela Thomas, and (TLC’s) Duggar family.

Several women from my home church attended the nearly sold-out event, and I was so blessed to sit with two of these spirit-filled ladies. “Cindy” and “Lori” arrived earlier than I did and they graciously saved me a seat during both days of this spectacular conference. (I’m not sure if either of these precious gals ever met a stranger. Their smiles could light up a Christmas tree and their hearts clearly love Jesus.)

It would be impossible to dish about the entire conference in a single post, but I’ll try to give a brief overview.

Jennifer Rothschild lost her sight at the age of 15 to retinitis pigmentosa. Now, 25 years later, she lovingly teaches women how to walk by faith, and not by sight. She sings, writes bestsellers, and offers messages of hope and inspiration during her worldwide travels. (An interesting bio side-note: Jennifer once bungee jumped from 7 1/2 stories! This isn’t something I’d personally do, visually impaired or not! Talk about guts!)

During the Fresh Grounded Faith Conference, Jennifer implored us to be “Gutsy Girls.” “Gutsy Girls” say “I can”, “I am”, and “I will.”

“I can’t” is a feeling. “I can” is God’s truth. (Philippians 4:13)

“I am” isn’t what others say about us. It’s who God says we are: “I am beautiful.” (Ephesians 2:10 and Psalm 45:11)

“I will” is an interesting concept. Jennifer shared, “Until our will is submitted to God’s will, we’ll never be able to say ‘I will.’  Sometimes, we may lack confidence, but we have to remember that confidence is a feeling. Courage, however, is a choice. We can trust God more than our feelings. (Proverbs 3:5-6, Psalm 62:5-7, Hebrews 10:39)

I listened to Jennifer, spellbound, marveling at the courage she displayed, as she moved about the stage–blind–in front of a packed house. (I’m estimating there were about 2,000 in attendance, but I may be sorely off. There were hundreds of women in the balcony above me, so it was difficult to even guess actual numbers.)

At times, I wondered, isn’t Jennifer afraid she’ll trip? Does she ever feel awkward? How does she know where the audience is?

Because she has been blind for so many years, I realized that Jennifer had probably learned how to compensate. She’d learned to use all of her other available senses. She’d also learned to “walk by faith” and not be sight. How many of us do that despite being fully sighted?


Please join me again on Wednesday when I’ll talk more about this fabulous conference. You’ll want to hear about best-selling author Angela Thomas who walked the dark valley of divorce and despair, award-winning singer Kathy Triccoli who struggled with bulimia, and TLC’s Duggar family who shared with us the message of their hearts.


Living intentionally is God’s plan. How are you choosing to be intentional (“gutsy”) in your life?

Comments 13

  1. candidkerry

    It sounds like a blessed, refreshing time! I attended a Women of Faith conference a few years ago and I still remember the little details like it was yesterday. It was so spirit-filled and filling, like a taste of heaven that left me hungry for more!

    I’m glad you were able to recharge that internal battery – something we definitely all need to do from time to time.

    To answer your question – living intentionally, for me, means taking what God’s given me to do, day to day, week to week, and following through. Finishing what I’ve started.

    I’m working on my NaNoWriMo WIP and trying to meet that challenge (50,000 words by Nov. 30th at midnight) 🙂 16,000 words in and I’m falling in love with my characters and this story God put on my heart a few months back. But it’s hard and life is busy, and follow-through is always the toughest part. But, as you said, Phil. 4:13… 🙂

    1. Cynthia Herron

      Kerry, I can’t say enough about this wonderful conference! I would encourage women everywhere to go if one like it comes to their area. These types of events will refresh and inspire!

      Congrats on your NaNo progress. Go, Kerry, go!

  2. Sarah Forgrave

    Oh wow, Cindy, that sounds like an amazing conference! I haven’t heard of it before. Other than attending youth conferences as a teenager, the only other big conference I’ve attended is ACFW. Sounds like I need to add a women’s conference to the mix! 🙂

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  3. Philip Rothschild

    What a fantastic summary of FGF, Cindy. Thank you for sharing. I will have our staff link to this at our highlights page. We are honored that you were there. Dr. Phil and Jennifer

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      Dr. Phil, you were both truly such a blessing, as was the entire conference! What a fantastic time of fellowship, sharing, and learning! May God richly bless you and Jennifer as you continue to serve Him!

      Thanks so much for your kind words.

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  4. Pingback: Pouring Another Cup of Fresh Grounded Faith…Part 2 |

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  6. Pingback: Fall into the Ozarks |

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