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How Can I Pray For You?

Cynthia Herron Encouragement Leave a Comment

Child praying

Image Credit: Redwinegums/Photopin CC

You’ve probably seen those Facebook challenges inviting you to take part in this or that.

It usually goes something like this: One of your friends will tag you on Facebook in a post and issue the challenge, and then you are supposed to tag other friends with the same challenge.

I don’t always take part in these, but recently I accepted a few challenges that were fun. One was “Go to the seventh line in your WIP (work in progress) and post the next seven lines and then tag seven more people and ask them to do the same.”

I enjoyed that particular challenge because it’s always a thrill to share a snippet of our work, get feedback, and see what everyone else is working on, too. Because we write in various genres and we have different personalities, it’s exciting to see the melding of creativity.

I like leaving encouraging comments on my friends’ statuses about the sentences they’ve shared. As you can imagine, it’s also a great conversation starter.

Yesterday my friend Jill Kemerer tagged me in a post with this faith-filled challenge: I’ve been challenged to pray for 10 of my friends and ask them to think of 10 women and have them do the same. Wow. I had a difficult time narrowing that one down, because of course—I want to pray for everyone on my Facebook list. I was honored and humbled to pray and know, too, that I’d just been prayed for.

Well, I took the challenge seriously and tagged 10 dear friends on Facebook and this morning I’ll be praying for them.

So here’s where I’m going with this post:

How can I pray for YOU?

Yesterday’s challenge has me thinking about all my friends’ prayer needs.

I know there are many who pop by my blog throughout the week and are reluctant to comment or just don’t have time. (I understand because I’m just as guilty. All of us have very busy schedules!)

I do want you to know, though, that when I tell you I will pray— I. Will. Pray.

Sometimes, I’ll write the person’s name down on a sticky note and place it on my computer where I’ll see it often. Other times, I might list names and prayer needs in my journal. And then there are those instances where I’ll jot names down and place them in my Bible. The idea is to keep those names and prayer needs close at hand where I can keep a continual prayer on my tongue for them.

So today, friends, if you’re needing prayer and you’d like me to pray, just let me know! You can leave a comment here or at my contact page if you prefer. I won’t share your name or prayer need.


How can I pray for you?

What are ways we can improve our prayer life?

Pray for one another!

Blessings Always,

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