A Cure For What Ails Us

Cynthia Herron Christianity, Writing 3 Comments

A few years ago, we vacationed in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Eureka Springs is one of those rare gems whose beauty is unsurpassed.  This quaint town has it all:  breathtaking landscapes, striking, Victorian architecture, historical landmarks, arts and craft venues, museums, trolleys, and a host of friendly folks!

Since “Eureka!” means, literally, “I found it!” in Greek, that gives us an idea of why it was so aptly named on the 4th of July in 1879.  It was the perfect name for a place where many found renewal of health, mind, body, and soul.

Initially, the natural springs and basins drew early settlers and visitors alike as word spread about the springs’ healing qualities.  Bath houses sprang up, and people came in droves in search of cures for whatever ailed them.

Folks today are still searching for ever-elusive cures.  Everywhere we turn, we see a new product touted on radio, television, and in the newspaper guaranteeing immediate relief and healing.  Sadly, many of these products come up short of what they promise.   Sometimes, individuals try one and immediately move on to another when the first “cure” doesn’t seem to work.  Dollars are almost literally thrown out the window as we grasp at the dented “last straw.”

When I write, I think about the things that drive us–the things that influence us to make poor choices.  I like to explore the rationale of people and weave their thought processes into my stories.  Rarely do I permit a character to do something unflattering or foolish without showing their motivation.  The idea being, of course, that we learn from our mistakes and we don’t repeat them again.

In an ideal world, there would be no poor decisions, no missteps, no fumbling for the latest and greatest gimmicks to steal our money.  We’d all get along.  We’d never have to choose right over wrong–doing “right” would be a given.

This week, particularly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that there is a way to live (happily) in this imperfect world.  It’s power doesn’t come in the form of a made-up “promise,” but rather, in the TRUTH of God’s unchanging Word.  (Others may promise us the moon, but there is One who actually created it and is in charge of it!)

The greatest Physician I know has just the right cure for what ails us.  His prescription can be found in John 3:16.


Status Update:  Tomorrow I will introduce you to my fabulous Literary Agent!

Questions for you to ponder…I’m thinking about changing the way I blog.  Do you like the format as it is now?  Would you like me to share snippets of my path to publishing, or do you prefer the anecdotal style that I use currently?

Comments 3

  1. pattisj

    Great post, Cynthia. I already like Eureka, from your description. I know of a few places like that, and they hold a “special something.” It’s reminiscent of a time when people actually knew their neighbors, as well as everyone else in town.
    Thank you for sharing the Truth of God’s word, the Bible. What treasures that book holds.
    And I vote that you blog about whatever is on your heart and mind. We all have experiences and information to share, and that’s what blogging is all about, isn’t it?

    1. Post

      Thank you, Patti, my cyber friend, for your kind comments! I must confess, I’m leaning toward using the same format with frequent writing updates thrown in. Folks at church seem to like this style, and it does feel more like the real “me.” How is YOUR writing going? I’m jumping over to your blog now to “lurk!” : )

      1. pattisj

        Well, “lurk” all you like. 🙂 I’ve gotten so much encouragement from the blog community, that I’m really hyped about writing! Tonight was our monthly writers group meeting. Several members have blogs, too, so we had a lot to chat about (before and after the guest speaker). Thank you for asking.

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