I debated about my blog post title. After all, you know how we writers are prone to a little drama.
Then I thought what the cookies? Maybe you’d like a little peek at the last six weeks (particularly the last ten days) of my life because, possibly, you’ve been there or might be one day.
We pray that bad things won’t happen and we rarely plan for disaster, but the truth is when a crisis hits, we face hard choices. For a début author, this new and sudden foray into the fire is especially daunting. (Click-to-Tweet)
As if navigating a book launch during the holiday season isn’t dizzying enough, toss in a personal curve ball and a few additional funsies, and we really amp up the delightfulness. Of course I say that tongue-in-cheek because, as you know, it takes a lot to rattle this see-the-glass-half-full, everything’s gravy gal.
To backtrack a tad, I’m absolutely thrilled that readers are loving my début novel, Her Hope Discovered. For an author, there are few things more exciting than witnessing the birth of her first (published) book baby. This professional milestone is something every author dreams of. To know readers enjoy it and are connecting with this first book in the series of my heart bolsters me.
To that end, I’m so very blessed and thankful!
What I didn’t see coming while in the midst of completing my next book and launching and marketing this book was my father’s recent health crisis.
For a while now, both of my parents have suffered various health issues.
Some years ago, Mama had open heart surgery and recovered well. Daddy, however, steadily declined. And, as it so happens, life events often tip our apple cart at the very worst and most unpredictable times.
Crises mow over our best laid plans. No matter how well we’ve charted our course, our course crumbles to dust when matters of life and death upend those plans. (Click-to-Tweet)
About two weeks ago (as I ran circles guest-blogging and promoting HHD) Daddy suffered a GI bleed.
It was…horrific.
I’ll spare you the graphic details, but we really thought we’d lose him that night.
As he left in the ambulance, I thanked God that Daddy (one of my biggest cheerleaders) lived long enough to hold Her Hope Discovered in his hands at Christmas, and I was so glad I captured that moment on video.
Blessedly, my sister is a nurse, and our families live near my parents. God coordinated the timing of events where she could intervene and do what needed to be done.
Not a stranger to upheaval and daunting circumstances, I decided this was yet another situation I’d just plow through.
I would honor my personal and professional obligations, do what I could, and…something else.
Ask for help.
Wonder Woman, I’m not. (Although I might very well rock those pretty tights and body suit. Yes, that would be the awesome Linda Carter version. 😉 )
I digress.
God spared my elderly daddy’s life and my father continues to recuperate. It’ll be a lengthy process.
To add some buttercream icing to this fabulous cake, I’d be remiss if I didn’t share a few more sprinkles. I can grin now (levity’s good for the soul, right?), but at the time, these “sprinkles” left a bitter aftertaste.
Though this week was certainly better than the last, I’m now mourning my eight-year-old coffeemaker…which breathed its last breath a day ago. In fact, she all but burst into flames as I finished pouring my first cup of coffee yesterday morning. I. Kid. You. Not. Billowing smoke, the unmistakable scent of burned wiring, and the dazed expression I’m sure I wore would have made great #amwriting fodder. Except…I don’t write suspense. I write romance. Where’s the romance in a scorched coffeemaker? *sigh*
And let’s not forget my trip to the post office during the infamous polar vortex…with its bracing wind and bone-chilling temps.
To save myself time and effort (and goosebumps), I decided rather than take my bills inside the post office, I’d just swing by the mailbox and deposit the bills there. Except…as I dropped the first envelope into the mailbox and reached for the other, the wind gremlins dipped their icy fingers into that wretched mailbox, grabbed the first bill, and carried it away on the wind. Again—I’m so not kidding.
I mean, what are the odds? But of course it would happen. It’s the type of thing everyone always laughs at in the movies…never expecting it to actually happen to them. (Click-to-Tweet)
I watched in shock as that bill happily skittered away…over the river, through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we…
Okay. Maybe a mild exaggeration there. BUT I did have to place my car in park, jump out, and run after that sucker as it blew completely across the parking lot and circled several cars before finally coming to rest under the front tire of another parked vehicle. (Oh—and to the very kind gentleman who paused and grinned as he backed out of his spot and then meandered away without helping—I’m happy I provided some comedic relief. The joy of the Lord is my strength! 🙂 )
There were a few more sprinkles.
Shall we talk hairballs? Miranda, our kitty princess, doesn’t mind. We’re all friends here.
Seriously, I think this is quite enough for one blog post, don’t you?
Back to something I mentioned earlier. Asking for help.
To be blunt, I’m dragging, friend.
Would you please pray that God grant me strength to plow through? That he would give Her Hope Discovered and my Welcome to Ruby series wings?
Word of mouth is huge. Huge.
If you read HHD, would you please share your thoughts by posting a book review? Would you tell your friends, family, and Church Member Martha about this little story of life, love, and second chances? Would you also ask your local libraries to order Her Hope Discovered?
I’d so appreciate it!
Launching a book and promoting it during a crisis takes a village. Will you be that village?
There is no perfect time for a crisis, but we can rally our cheerleaders! Want to help?
Original Image Credit: GLady/Pixabay
Have you faced a crisis during an important life season?
What are your tips?
I’m guest-posting today at Seekerville. Swing by and chime in for a chance to win a print copy of Her Hope Discovered.
And a reminder—my February newsletter goes out soon! Hope you’ll join us for the fun!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 10
Oh, Cindy! Will definitely be praying! Congratulations on the new release!
Sally, thanks so much, friend!
What a challenging time this has been for you, Cynthia. I’m praying for you and your parents.
I’ve walked through a few of those hard times. Thankfully, as you know, He holds us close and goes with us…always.
I’m looking forward to more trips to Ruby. Love all the townsfolk! Blessings, my friend!
Sherida, all of us have our valleys, sometimes, don’t we? So thankful that God provides supernatural strength when we’re lagging.
I’m so happy you enjoyed your “trip” to Ruby! Lots more fun (and pie) ahead, my friend!
I wish I could bring you a tub of ice cream…or is it just me who eats ice cream when stressed?! Anyway, I’m so glad your dad is okay and I’m praying for you. I just asked my church library to order Her Hope Discovered and they added it to their list!
Katie, I’ll join you for that ice cream at ACFW this year! Last week, I think I ate my weight in mashed potatoes and gravy. Stress-eating’s the absolute bane. BUT I’m doing better this week—it’s apples and yogurt for this gal. 🙂
Thank you, thank you for asking your church library to carry Her Hope Discovered! That just made my day!
Oh, Cynthia, you’ve been through the wringer – both directions. I’m so thankful your daddy is going to be okay.
Terri, it’s a tough road, but we are certainly praying for continued healing! Thank you!
Cynthia, you’ve had a lot going on! I’m so sorry about your Dad’s health issues, and am praying for him (and YOU!). A challenging time, for sure.
But we know that no matter how rough or challenging a time may be, the Lord is right there with us. And sometimes later on, we’re able to help others going through a similar crisis. I’ve found that to be true in my own life. As painful and difficult as a time may be, when we’re able to use that experience to encourage or help someone else, we know some good has come from our experience. 🙂
Gentle hugs, Patti Jo
Patti Jo, yes, we’ve experienced some hard valleys in the past so we’re just praying that light-filled days are ahead! Thank you so much!