Image Credit: Stuart Williams/PhotopinCC
When the film Gremlins was released at the box office in 1984, this horror/comedy introduced cute, furry creatures that morphed into sinister monsters.
The movie garnered a PG-13 rating—something that was still new at the time—because of some violent content and language.
Gremlins appealed to a lot of folks, but I didn’t like it. No surprise there—even then, I was a romantic. And of course, nothing romantic or remotely feel good about a batch of uglies running amok creating havoc, maiming, and killing.
The word “gremlins” (used in its monster context) dates back to the WWII era when aircraft mechanical failures were jokingly blamed on the make-believe meanies.
Why the reference to Gremlins in today’s post?
Well, with so much bad news in the world today this movie jumped to mind. And in the movie, the only way you could destroy the little gremlins was exposing them to bright light.
See where I’m going with this?
As a normally upbeat person, last week’s current events drained me. My cheerfulness waned.
Everywhere I turned—television, newspapers, and social media—there was nothing but doom and gloom and horrible, tragic stories.
Ebola. Isis. Child abuse. Discord.
And so many other things—cruelty described in gut-wrenching detail—I couldn’t wrap my mind around.
To preserve my sanity, I limited social media for a while and refused to read or look at anything demotivating.
I intentionally sought joy.
- I read (happy) books
- I revised writing projects
- I left my office
- I called friends
- I visited loved ones
I bid the gremlins goodbye and nixed negativity.
Granted, we live in a world full of sadness and sorrow. Like you, I’ve experienced that, too. It’s inevitable.
While I realize we can’t live insulated lives, I also understand that joy is a choice.
A process.
Amidst the pain and suffering and day-to-day grind, sometimes it’s necessary to stand down. To release that emotion to a different realm.
As a writer, I know the importance of staying up to speed with current affairs and world events.
Knowledge is power.
Knowledge helps me craft believable stories with broken, but grace-seeking characters.
And I don’t have to allow the gremlins to knock on my door 24/7 to do it.
Encouragement for your day:
How to Thrive Despite the Odds
Staying Encouraged in Everyday Life
Zoom! 25 Ways to Rev Up Your Day
How do you intentionally seek joy?
Do you ever unplug for a season?
Share joy!
Blessings Always,