We’ve all heard them. The sliver-tongued salesman who could sell snow to an Eskimo. Eloquent Eddie whose cookware “will last for life.” Sunshine Sally promising “youth in a bottle.”
Guarantees and declarations abound. No product or topic is off-limits. Anything goes. Even at the risk of telling little white lies.
Sadly, sacrificing integrity has become a way of life. And worse, it seems to be the accepted norm.
Honesty, accountability, and attention to detail aren’t fashionable. (Should we even be surprised? I suppose Adam and Eve got the ball rolling on that one.)
The point is: I’m a Pollyanna of sorts. I strive to see the glass as half-full, as opposed to half-empty. I prefer truth (with tact) over a distortion of facts. Given the option, I’ll choose to see the good instead of the bad.
Is it easy? Well, let me see…
Not always.
I’m far from perfect. I have my faults. And because I’m not perfect, I try to extend grace, gentleness, and self-control toward others.
Like the other day when I ventured to one of my favorite discount chains.
The sun was shining. The birds were singing. All was right with my world. (Cue the “glad” music here. If you’ve ever watched the old Disney version of Pollyanna, you’ll possibly get my drift.)
I perused the handbags, lotions, clothing, and shoes. I’d just worked my way around to the housewares when the lovely display of fall tablecloths caught my eye.
Wow! Only $7.99. Score!
And there were lovely table scarves and runners to match. With acorns. And haystacks. And pumpkins!
Their cuteness spoke to me.
I selected a brown tablecloth (with adorable pumpkin cutouts along the hem) and stepped around the corner to where the scarves and runners were hanging on the end of the same shelf.
My forehead connected with something hard and unmovable.
My world went black. But only for a moment.
I cannot faint. I will not faint. How utterly unladylike would that would be?
“Oh, my gracious!”
“Wow! Did you see that?”
“Is she bleeding?”
“I almost did the same thing last week…”
“Dear, are you okay?”
The voices swirled around me as I walked the threshold between intense physical pain and embarrassment.
I still held fast to my purse though. And my beautiful, bargain tablecloth.
Blessedly, I’d caught myself on the edge of the store shelf so I hadn’t completely lost my balance.
Tentatively, I opened my eyes.
What in the world?
Of course!
What a perfect place for a foot wide shelf right at forehead level! It was attached to the end of the other shelf where the tablecloths were and it held one thing: a single glass vase.
The dear elderly lady who first asked “Are you okay?” brought her hand up to my hair and gently brushed it away.
“Oh, thank God! No gash. I’m not good with blood. Looks like you’ll have a nice goose egg though.”
We stood chatting for a moment as I gathered my bearings.
“You know they really should dismantle that thing. It’s an awkward spot for a shelf. And dangerous,” the woman said, reaching then for my hand. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Oh, I’ll be fine.Thank you.”
As I paid for my purchases a little later (yes, I did get the tablecloth and scarf after all that) I politely mentioned to management what had happened. I was sure they’d want to know. I mean, the same thing could happen to someone else.
“Ummm… Is the shelf okay or do we need to fix it?”
I’m not sure if my mouth fell open then or not, but I pondered integrity on my way home that day. I think it may have died that afternoon. Again.
Still, I’m playing Pollyanna’s “glad game.”
I’m glad I wasn’t hurt worse.
I’m glad I didn’t faint.
I’m glad the Lord sent a good Samaritan to help me.
And I’m glad I got my bargain tablecloth and table runner.
And I’m thankful I am glad.
The goose egg isn’t as prominent now and the only tell-tale sign of my mishap is a pretty spinach-colored bruise. Kind of like the color of integrity. Or perhaps, the lack thereof.
Have you ever had a similar situation that left you scratching your head?
What do you think encourages barriers to integrity or doing/saying the right thing?
Photo Credit: m_bartosch/FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Blessings Always,

Comments 4
Oh Cin! Big hugs! I hate that. I haven’t walked into a shelf but I did walk right into my friend’s driver’s side mirror while she was getting gas. Ouch!
Integrity is soooo gone. “I prefer truth (with tact) over a distortion of facts.”
Me too, but what to do when someone needs to hear the truth (with tact) but doesn’t want to.
Hope you feel better soon, friend. That hurt me just reading about it.
Jess, now that it’s been a few days I do see the humor in my mishap. I’m sure it was hilarious from a distance. But I’m still baffled by the store manager’s lack of empathy or concern. Ahhh…interesting times.
Glad you’re ok, Cynthia. Wow, I can’t imagine any store manager not gushing over you trying to make things right. I hope they change things before this happens to someone else.
Patti, it’s a store I normally frequent, so time will tell if they remove the offending shelf. I’m so thankful that it was me and not my Good Samaritan who was hurt, as she was up in years…