Happy Easter Blessings

Cynthia Herron Christianity 5 Comments

Today, as we approach one of the most joyous times of year, I wanted to shift gears a bit. This post isn’t intended to be preachy, pretentious, or holier-than-thou. Because I love you and I care about where you spend eternity, I also won’t apologize for taking a few moments to talk about my Savior, Jesus Christ. If you don’t …

Does Dozing in the Pigpen Really Make Us Happy?

Cynthia Herron Christianity 8 Comments

Several weeks ago, I attended my college Homecoming. Prior to the start of the ballgame, as is tradition, morning activities included a dunking booth, alumni chatting areas, games for the kiddos, and various food and drink stations. Another big hit for those with youngsters was the petting exhibit. Adults, too, seemed drawn to the adorable, pink and black spotted piglets dozing …

Christ, Christian Fiction, and Church: They're Not for the Fainthearted

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Writing Christian Fiction 6 Comments

For those who write Christian fiction, it can sometimes be an uphill battle to dispel the various fallacies that abound. I have to admit though, I’m still surprised by the notion that if one pens novels with spiritual themes, then regardless what the story’s about, it must be boring with a capital “B.” I have to wonder if the detractors have actually …

Stuck on You

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Romance 8 Comments

Since I write heartfelt, homespun, contemporary Christian romance, I often contemplate which content to leave in, what to edit out. I’m deeply aware that my words, my thoughts, and my novels as a whole should always reflect the love of Jesus Christ first and foremost. Any other relationship is secondary.  As a Christian, I’ve made the following commitments: to point others toward …

The Happily Ever After Factor

Cynthia Herron Romance, Writing Christian Fiction 8 Comments

In my previous posts Isn’t It Romantic and 10 Reasons Why I Write (Faith-based) Romance, I touched on matters of the heart and why I write what I do. The art of romance shouldn’t be rocket science, but many times, the perception of romance is so distorted by what media and television purport it should be, our views become skewed and God’s original …

Signs of the Times

Cynthia Herron Writing, Writing Christian Fiction 8 Comments

You probably thought by this post’s title that I was going to talk about something completely different than what I’m actually going to touch on today. (Believe me, I debated that as I sat down to write. And just for the record, I didn’t wimp out. I’m not afraid to talk about my doctrinal beliefs, the biblical truths which I adamantly adhere to, …