Christ, Christian Fiction, and Church: They're Not for the Fainthearted

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Writing Christian Fiction 6 Comments

For those who write Christian fiction, it can sometimes be an uphill battle to dispel the various fallacies that abound. I have to admit though, I’m still surprised by the notion that if one pens novels with spiritual themes, then regardless what the story’s about, it must be boring with a capital “B.” I have to wonder if the detractors have actually …

Stuck on You

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction, Romance 8 Comments

Since I write heartfelt, homespun, contemporary Christian romance, I often contemplate which content to leave in, what to edit out. I’m deeply aware that my words, my thoughts, and my novels as a whole should always reflect the love of Jesus Christ first and foremost. Any other relationship is secondary.  As a Christian, I’ve made the following commitments: to point others toward …

Bells, Whistles, and Other Baubles

Cynthia Herron Christian Fiction 13 Comments

In secular fiction there seems to be a lot of the “sensationalism” factor. Whatever will grab readers’ attention, implement it. If it’s shocking, say it. Off-color? Write it. A little violence? Add it. Owning one’s actions? Well, heaven forbid! The accountability component just doesn’t seem to be there sometimes. In some of the stories I’ve read, it may take reading the entire book before a …