Oh, my goodness. Can it really be December? Can it really be time to deck the halls? My Thanksgiving tablecloths are barely dried and put away. Still, here in my little hub, I’m in full-blown Christmas prep. This, after three—yes, three—Thanksgiving celebrations in three different homes on three different days. During those three days, we celebrated with turkey and ham …
Thanksgiving Gratitude: 10 Goodies to Make You Smile
Ahh… Thanksgiving. The time of year when scents of roast turkey and pumpkin pie beckon. The season we give thanks and express gratitude for blessings and good things. As a child, I’m pretty sure the bounty enthralled more than other blessings. When we’re kids, it’s difficult to see beyond immediate gratification, especially, when tantalizing aromas entice and appeal. As we …
Thinking Beyond the Bad to Focus on the Good
Can we not get through a week without bad stuff happening? I don’t know about you, but this thought pops into my head almost weekly. And, maybe, you wonder, too, how do we stay encouraged in a discouraging world? How do we think beyond the bad to focus on the good?’ In my case, I tend to write. Burying myself …
Just a Brief Update…
Since recent weeks have been rather hectic, today’s blog post is coming to you on Saturday and not Friday. Thanks for joining me for a few minutes as we kick back, sip java, and chat. (And since it’s Saturday, don’t break out your dress duds. Your PJs and slippers are just fine!) You may remember I mentioned I’m working on …
Six Fall Pick-Me-Ups
There’s a saying that if you don’t like the weather (in the Ozarks) one day, stick around. The next day will be totally different. For instance, yesterday, our little niche registered eighty-one degrees. Today, we’re expecting a high of forty-five. Forty-five? Ahh, well. That’s life in the Ozarks. As winds shift and the season grows cooler, the Ozark hills and hollows …
Coffee and Catch-Up… Let’s Chat!
Hi friend ~ It’s great to be with you today! I’ve missed you. Pull up a chair as we catch up over coffee and treats. No calories. No worries. And no bad stuff—because that’s what the news is for, right? Now, for those who’ve asked—yes, I’m still here. Yes, I’m still blogging (though, as I mentioned a few months ago, …
A Dose of Truth for the Weary Writer
I know. But don’t let the blog title fool you. It’s good truth. I promise! Today’s thoughts are all about the love. And who can’t use more of that? Great! Let’s go! {{{HUG}}} As a little girl, I created masterpieces. I rocked my world with art and zany inventions. I made stuff from unusual materials. Egg cartons, fabric swatches, wallpaper samples—you …
10 Ways to Love Those Who Are Different
As a child, I didn’t understand the complexities surrounding those who society deemed as “different.” I didn’t grasp the nuances and innuendo until I was much older. Though things didn’t always work as my five-year-old rationale naturally thought they should, being different seemed somewhere on the fringe. It didn’t affect me like it did others. Now, don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t …
Peace Despite Chaos
Ahh, my friend. Another difficult blog post to write. I debated. I really did. I’ve always said my little niche here is your safe place. Peaceful. Hopeful. Loving. The place where we can chat, share a smile, and part happy as we go on about our day. I still stand by that. The thing is, though, when tragedies like the …
September Update from My Niche in the Ozarks
As September draws to a close, there’s a hint of fall in the Ozarks. Though the metamorphosis is subtle, change is on the horizon as leaves grow restless and weary with the shifting season. It’s the time of year when earth yawns and new colors emerge replacing summer greens and once-vibrant blossoms. Usually, there’s a nip to the air by …