I worked on the perfect blog post for today. It centered around 9/11. It was chock-full of encouragement and love. I talked about faith, family, freedom, and writing conferences. I was about to tie it with a pretty bow when–you-know-what happened. I hit “save draft” (just to be safe should the “auto-save” not work) and need I say more? Probably not. …
Hope: From My Heart to Yours
Fall. That glorious season of candy corn color. Not quite here, but almost. Some folks dread summer’s fading palette, but I’ve always loved the more vibrant shades of saffron, cinnamon, and orange. Where others see death of what was, I see hope of what’s yet to come. In last year’s post, My 20 Favorite Things about Fall, I talked about God’s handiwork and how His …
When Our Ministries Expand Beyond Writing
As a Christian writer I feel a keen sense of duty. To God. To the lost. To those who are struggling in their walk. To my craft. Because I write Christian fiction, I want to portray life realistically–without the rose-colored glasses, but, too, with immeasurable hope that only comes in Jesus Christ. I like “happily ever after.” The sweet, “feel good” …
End of the Week Wrap-Up
Happy Friday, everyone! Hope this finds you well and looking forward to the weekend! (Help yourself to a slice of that decadent chocolate cake above–yummm!) I thought it might be fun today to do an end of the week wrap-up. In other words–let’s chit chat about what’s going on in each other’s lives. Pull up a chair, grab your plate, and …
Why Positive People Have More Fun
Don’t you just love being around happy, positive people? I know I do. Unmotivated, negative folks sap our energy. They steal our joy and put a dent in our day. If we’re constantly exposed to attitudes of discontent, our own attitudes begin to reflect the same. Because by nature I’m a helper, I tend to want to “fix things.” I …
Christian Fiction Writers (and what we wish you knew)
Because there are a lot of misconceptions about Christian fiction writers and the market we write for, I thought it would be fun today to share an updated post. See if you can identify. What We Wish You Knew… 1. We write in many different genres within the Christian market. Yes, even the (*gasp*) inspirational romance genre. 2. We …
Discouraged? You’ve Got This!
Recently, I spoke with a friend who was at a low point. So much so that she said, “I quit. I’m giving up.” “You can’t.” I told her. “I won’t let you. You’ve got this.” “But you don’t understand, Cindy. It’s always been so easy for you.” (I’d been told something similar in college. Didn’t care for it then, and I still don’t now.) …
Got Some Time? Share the Love
I don’t know about you, but August is usually a busy one at our house. This time the month held a fun twist. Our youngest started back to school, and our oldest started teaching it. What was once an uncertain future, God has brought to beautiful fruition. (If you haven’t already, you can read part of our story here.) Bittersweet, to …
The ACFW Conference and You: 15 Tips
This is the time of year the writing world is abuzz with all things “conference.” For those who write Christian fiction, it’s especially exciting. One of the biggest writing events of the year is the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference. In 2011, the conference was held in St. Louis. Last year it was in Dallas. This year it’s in Indianapolis. …
Why Real Romance Matters in an Artificial World
I asked some friends, “What says ‘romance’ to you?” Their answers varied: “When my husband calls/texts me for no reason at all.” “When my husband hides love notes around the house.” “When he cleans the toilets.” “When he’s attentive, chivalrous, and passionate.” “When my boyfriend lets ME pick the movie.” “When my husband reaches for my hand. In public and …