Ahhh. After another round of snow and sleet last weekend, I’m just itching for warmer weather, sunshine, and…spring! It’s coming, folks. I can feel it! It’s been an odd winter and I’m excited about the approaching season. Record-breaking cold and sun-starved days do little to inspire me. Sometimes, it’s a challenge to push through and accomplish simple writing goals. And …
A Little Pep Talk for Your Writer’s Heart
There comes a time when we all need a little pep talk. I don’t mean pouring on the platitudes or sugar-coating the obvious. That might feel good for a moment but, generally, what we really want is some razor-sharp clarity along with those tasty motivational nuggets. I’m a little more apt to listen to someone who’s shared a similar experience …
Happy Friday, Hello Weekend!
Happy Friday! Aren’t you glad the weekend’s finally here? (I think that deserves a sweet treat, don’t you?) This week’s flown by in a hurry and it’s been jam-packed with errands and various things that kept me running. And now… My neck of the woods is bracing for its next predicted ice event. (Blech!) We’ve made sure we’re stocked up …
How to Thrive Despite the Odds
I love beautiful plants, flowers, trees, and shrubs. I’m in awe of the people who grow them. My mama is one of those people. She could transplant a brick and bring it back to life. (Well–she can raise a stick from the dead.) Despite the odds, green things thrive under her watchful eye. Gardening’s never been my strong suit, but …
What Writing Letters (the Old-Fashioned Way) Taught Me
*Due to some personal deadlines, this is a re-post from a few years ago, but one I think you’ll enjoy. I grew up writing letters. The old-fashioned way. Sometimes, I’d pen long, drawn out missives on pretty stationery, and when that ran out, I’d use notebook paper decorated with magic markers, pencils, or crayons. Personal computers were unheard of, and of …
Writing Projects and Deadlines… Aren’t You Glad it’s Friday?
It’s been a full week. Raise your hand if you’re glad it’s Friday! (Did you see my palm shoot up?) I’m currently in the middle of some writing projects and a few personal deadlines, so today’s post will be brief. I love tackling shorter pieces. It keeps my perspective fresh and it lights a new fire under me. It forces …
12 Reasons Not to Sweat the Small Stuff
In Monday’s post I talked about the writing journey and things I wish I’d known sooner. As a follow-up post, today I wanted to share some reasons why we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. An e-mail arrived in my inbox shortly after my original post went live on the ACFW website last October. A fellow creative lamented: You say not …
The Writing Journey (A Different Trip for Everyone)
There are some things on the path to publication that you won’t know. Things people won’t tell you. Not because they deliberately try to withhold information, but because the journey’s so different for everyone. Some folks will offer businesslike advice while others will share more practical and helpful tips– what worked for them, how they muddled through, and what they …
Happy Valentine’s Day (2014)!
It’s finally here–> Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s wishing you and yours a heartfelt greeting. I pray your day is filled with oodles of love and warmth and that you’re surrounded by those who are truly special in your life. Whether married or single–in a relationship or not–may you always know there’s One who loves and adores you above all others. …
Why Dream Big?
Dream. Just the word spurs our imagination. And while we’re at it, if we’re going to dream, why not do it in a big way? Isn’t that the purpose–to envision something extraordinary? I’ve always said: Goals are something I try to realistically shoot for with God’s help. Dreams, however, are something beyond the tangible, but completely possible with the One …