If you’ve followed the world of writing/publishing for any length of time, you well know the ups and downs of this fun (and often crazy) career path. Just this week, another brick and mortar store in our neck of the woods took a hit. They’re closing mid-December. I’m sad to see it go, but I can’t say I’m surprised. They’d …
Can’t Get Enough Fall? Five Seasonal Goodies to Inspire You
Over our way, we’ve had an unusually warm fall, but now there’s a new chill to the air. The seasonal shift is more obvious as days grow a little shorter, and rainy patterns set in. While some of the hills and hollows blush with color, other areas have peaked and faded. The month has slipped by in fits and starts, …
Let Your Dream Soar… (Even Though You’re Scared)
Over the years, I’ve often thought about dreams. In fact, I’ve blogged about them, too. Certainly, as a writer, my pursuit began with the tiny glimmer of a dream. The dream languished as months slid into years and years into decades. It all but withered away as a long, bone-chilling season blew in and took up residence. Then life changed. …
Inspiration for Your Friday
Stories intrigue us. A great story piques our interest and holds us captive until the very end. (Remember Wednesday’s post?) This week I came across this inspirational nugget by Joanna Davidson. Short, sweet, and ohh so hanky-worthy, it’s the perfect example of what makes us turn pages. Joanna’s story moved me. It carved a trail upon my heart, imprinting a …
The STORY We Must Tell
A familiar voice I’ll always remember was Paul Harvey’s. The Rest of the Story Harvey won over millions with his easy-going demeanor and his “regular guy” persona. I was a young girl when I first heard the radio broadcaster and I liked him immediately. Something about the way Paul Harvey spoke and how he carried himself on air resonated with me. He seemed real. Someone I’d want to know better. He …
Has It Been One of THOSE Weeks? Three Ways to Change That
In today’s world it’s easy to become discouraged. We’re confronted with similar issues that previous generations faced. Word just travels faster. With the advancement in technology, society’s ills are now delivered in instantaneous, no-holds-barred fashion. Our safe, little “bubbles” are suddenly penetrable and less apt to protect us from all that bombards us on almost a daily basis. Even as Christians, we grow …
When Fall Comes to the Ozarks
Goodness gracious—how quickly seasons change! Though fall officially arrived about two weeks ago, her initial début wasn’t particularly noteworthy. It wasn’t until last weekend that I noticed a subtle shift in the air. Temperatures dropped, leaves started to change, and even the sunlight shone a little differently in the sky. Transformation. It’s finally begun. Here in the Ozarks, the hills …
This Isn’t a Post About Politics. Then Again…
When I was in grade school, I dreaded the possibility of one day having a specific teacher. Even as a youngster, I recognized his leadership style as iron-fisted and unyielding. Mr. Downer (not his real name, of course) was tall, dark, and anything BUT handsome. His brooding countenance just didn’t lend itself to attractiveness. He never had a kind word for …
Newsletter Invitation
The countdown’s on. It’s almost time. My October newsletter goes out this week! Today as I add the finishing touches to HEARTFELT HOMESPUN FICTION from the Ozarks, I wanted to extend a personal invitation to subscribe. It’s easy, painless, and free! (Please sign up in the sidebar. In the e-mail you’ll receive, just click on the coordinating link or copy …
How a Single Blog Post Made All the Difference
You may remember I recently mentioned a blog post that seemed to be making its rounds. This was an older piece I’d blogged in 2012, and I’d even reposted a time or two since. The post? 10 Characteristics of a Joy-Bearer You may also remember I wanted to thank the original share-er, but I didn’t know who to thank or …