Life in the Ozarks this time of year is a delicate balance of give and take. We’re well into spring, and with it comes a welcomed respite from the weariness of winter. (Say that one fast. 🙂 ) While the warmer temperatures are wonderful, the mornings are still cool enough for jackets. We relish the sunshine and warmth, but we …
FAITH in Hard Places
Oh, great. As I approached my car, I saw it. The dent, scraped paint, and two-inch black mark shone like a beacon beneath the afternoon sun. Someone had hit my driver’s side door, and of course, didn’t bother leaving a note. I’d been in the mall less than two hours. I suspected the culprit was the maroon car with black …
Why Joy Matters
Several years ago I blogged about something that struck a chord with people. The subject? Joy. That’s right. Joy. That simple little word we so often take for granted or we neglect to share because of other priorities. To date, 10 Characteristics of a Joy-Bearer is my most popular blog post since I started blogging five years ago. I couldn’t …
“Warm Fuzzy” Wednesday
Mid-week. Wednesday. Ahhh. Doesn’t it feel good? Today I wanted to share a few “warm fuzzies” with you because, if you’re like me, hump day is that one day of the week that reminds us we’re halfway there. Halfway done with the week and halfway to the end of it. Generally, that’s a great feeling. We recap our accomplishments and …
How to Love Twitter Without Going Crazy… My (Unofficial) Guidelines
When I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon in 2011, I thought it was the greatest thing since bell bottoms and toe socks. It was fun, chatty, and quick. I followed back most people who followed me. Conversations were friendly, snappy, and polite. I met a lot of nice, interesting folks. Then… Twitter changed. It didn’t feel the same way it …
I Love YOU More… A little post about God, writing, and you.
The dilemma. Somewhere along your writing path, the trek will grow wearisome. Sun-starved. Never-ending. You may wonder why you started the journey. You may self-compare. You may even consider quitting. What made you think you could possibly juggle life, family, writing, and oh, yeah—God—when you can barely come up for air as you do yet one more thing? Sound familiar? …
Happy (Early) Easter
Good Friday. The day always tweaks my heartstrings. I reflect on Christ’s earthly ministry. How he loves us. How he willingly laid down his life so we could spend eternity with him in heaven. (John 3:16) Many will celebrate the weekend with egg hunts and Easter bunnies and other fun traditions, but during the fun, I hope folks will pause …
Yes, There Still is Beauty
Hello, my friend. I had a different post planned today as I jumped back into the blogging saddle, but I scrapped it in favor of something else—beauty. And a few thoughts on the recent event that rocked our world yet again. Often, there’s a fine line after such things. The tricky negotiation of should I or shouldn’t I? Should I …
Spring (Blog) Break
Happy Friday, my friend! I hope you’ve had a great week and that you’re geared up for a restful weekend. Over our way, we’ve had rain or bouts of it nearly every day. Temperatures have been on the cool side, but next week promises sunshine and a warm-up. (Just in time for spring break!) Speaking of which, I’m stepping away …
What Guides You to Try Your Best?
Last weekend, our daughter’s school choir performed at a music contest. The kids worked hard. They practiced for months before the competition. Some students performed solos while others performed in larger groups. Our daughter was one of the altos in a sextet. As well as practicing with her school choir as a whole, she’d spent additional time after school practicing …