Words, harsh and scathing, rained down my Twitter feed. Facebook fared no better. Name-calling, belief-bashing, and general unkindness seemed to be the order of the day. I scratched my head and slugged back another cup of joe. Oh, goodness, gracious me. All the hot, strong, black java in the world couldn’t make me un-see the rant-filled commentary that clogged my …
My Top 10 Relaxing Blog Posts
Today as we gear down for the weekend, I thought it might be fun to share my Top 10 Relaxing Blog posts. I’ve included some nuggets of encouragement, as well as thoughts to coax a smile and a pleasant memory or two. If you like something you read, I hope you’ll pass along to others. Enjoy and have a great …
Five Ways We Can Love Better
I don’t remember ever saying “I hate you.” My parents discouraged those three words in our home and we tried to raise our children with the same mindset. Love the person. Hate the act. Now, there are things I dislike. Okay—hate, even. Things like… Processed cheese. Black licorice. Paisley prints. Cat puke. A dripping faucet. Price rollbacks that really aren’t. …
Writing, Winter, and Ice… OH, MY!
Well, for those who are wondering— What they say about the Ozarks is true. If you’re tired of the weather one day, stick around. Weather here changes on a dime. For instance, on Wednesday my car registered seventy-two degrees. Yesterday? Not even half that. And today… Today it seems we are in for a get-your-blood-pumping-and-slip-on-your-long johns kind of day. In …
As we mature (age), the tendency to step outside our comfort zone is greater than it might be versus those angst-filled days of our youth. The first decades of life, we’re more concerned with “fitting in” and we care what our peers and coworkers think. We might dance around the edges of safe and flirt with different, but we’re less inclined to go against the …
The World We Create
As a fiction writer, I’m drawn to stories—different kinds of stories, really, because I realize one way to improve my craft is to understand the human condition. By nature, I’m also very curious and I enjoy people. I want to know what makes them tick. I want to know what motivates them. How choices, lifestyles, and culture influence their decisions …
My One Word for 2017: Persevere
Welcome back! I’m so glad you stopped by. As 2016 drew to a close, I relished a much-needed break from blogging and social media. I savored time with family and friends as we celebrated the true meaning of Christmas—the birth of our Savior. I hope your holidays were joy-filled, as well. Now that another year’s behind us, I’ve reflected on …
Merry Christmas 2016 and a Blog Break
As our week draws to a close, today I’d like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope your holiday is filled to the brim and overflowing with peace, love, and good cheer. May you experience God’s greatest blessing—the birth of Jesus—in a new and meaningful way. May you sense hope in …
20 Christmas Gift Ideas for Writers
By now, the baking’s done, the Christmas tree’s up, and all the gifts are wrapped and delightfully displayed. Ahh… Except. That’s not the case for everyone. Sometimes, life derails our best intentions and we don’t accomplish everything we intend within the time frame we want. Work, school, and various obligations sidetrack our plans. Less pressing to-dos are shoved to the back …
Christmas… Ready to Make a Memory?
I’ve always loved the holidays. Christmas, especially, thrills me. Besides the obvious reason—the celebration of our Savior’s birth—I adore the beautiful Christmas carols and pretty Christmas lights, the heavenly scent of cookies baking in the oven, and all the wonderful old movies, however many times I’ve watched them. There’s something in the air, too, we don’t sense at other times. …