Summer Update

Cynthia Herron Snippets of Life Leave a Comment

Summer Update


Ahh, how quickly summer goes.

It wasn’t always this way. When I was a little girl, the long, hot days of summer stretched before me like a ribbon of taffy waiting to be savored.

Sleeping in, lingering over lunch, and reading filled my days. I had some chores, but after I finished those, my time was my own. Often, my sister and I would play badminton for hours. When the days grew too hot, we’d set up camp indoors and lose ourselves to Monopoly, Aggravation, or some other board game that nurtured our competitive side and kept our minds active. (Yes. Simpler times then.)

Today, in the busyness of the season, I sometimes forget the carefree days of childhood—those long, delightful weeks of summer vacation and fun.

As an adult, the pause seems shorter and fun is more regulated. Now, I have to meticulously budget my time, follow a schedule, and stick to a plan.

Since college gal’s home for summer break, I’ve stepped away from blogging a bit so we can enjoy our time together. Please join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. (By the way, check out my new Pinterest board 777 Encouragement Way, and peruse my other boards for new pins you may have missed. Tons of heartfelt, homespun content there.)

In addition to family time, I’m also writing and working on several projects. I’m expanding a few manuscripts into longer stories, and brainstorming new ones.

If you’re a member of my newsletter family, then you also know that my July newsletter found its way to your inbox this week. Squeee! Thanks so much to those of you who’ve touched base with your kind words. I love hearing from you!

It’s hard to believe July slipped in under my radar. I barely had a chance to bid June good-bye, but alas there’s no denying it. We’re knee-deep in summertime.

Summer means additional yard work (grrr) and commitments for our family, but we appreciate our time together, too.

Silver Dollar City is a favorite family hang-out, and since we have season passes, we’ll visit again in a few weeks.

Oh, and if you’re headed to the Ozarks, don’t miss Dick’s Five and Ten, in downtown Branson. Oh. My. Word. (Tip: Wear good walking shoes. Parking’s limited, but so worth the experience. If you love down-home nostalgia, you’ll love this place!)

June 25th we visited my alma mater for the Honor America celebration, which was fantastic, and then on the 4th of July, we had our own celebration. That meant more food. More fun. More fireworks!  

This weekend may find us at the new Spider Man – Homecoming movie and I’m sure some buttered popcorn will be involved. I’ll let you know. 😉



Mid-summer pause and family time. A writer’s life in the Ozarks.



Original Image Credit: Jill111/Pixabay


How are you spending YOUR summer?

Any travel plans?


Thanks for stopping by today ~

Much Love and Many Blessings,

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