There comes a point in life, maybe during a career crisis or a season of self-reflection, our confidence dips. Our belief wilts.
Is it too late?
Has my chance already come and gone?
Has the moment of opportunity slipped past, despite my desire to move forward?
For the baby boomer generation, advancing years are a reality. There’s no denying the clock’s steady beat. No getting around extended pauses.
Love it or hate it, those pauses impale our trajectory as time ticks away.
As we consider long-held goals, our sense of urgency mushrooms.
How’d it happen?
When did our hopes and dreams take a backseat to bigger musts?
Was it when we worked sixty-hour weeks to put bread on the table?
When we wiped snotty noses, sopped up potty, kissed boos-boos, and chauffeured kiddos?
Was it when catastrophe called and crises beckoned?
When normal met weird in a tug-of-war match?
Yes. That.
All that and more.
While boomers may celebrate freedom from youthful constraints, new patterns emerge. We weigh new options and embrace or deny possibilities.
We move forward or stagnate.
We applaud the reasons we can.
We mourn reasons we can’t.
With quiet envy, we may see others meet and master similar goals we’d hoped to attain. Things we were certain, one day, would come to fruition for us, too.
The thing is success doesn’t always happen the perfect way we picture it. Â Sometimes, it’s messy and filled with faux pas. Sometimes, it’s poignant and achingly sweet.
Still, sometimes, success requires gut-wrenching lows to elevate to new highs.
And sometimes—yes, I’m going there—to truly know success we must grab hold with both hands and immerse ourselves in the glorious, painstaking, mud-filled journey.
Like age, success is relative. At the very least, it’s a milestone-marker. At best, it’s the reward for hard work expended—judged, perhaps, by the world , but only as significant as we, ourselves, allow it to be.
As millennials struggle with identities and self-reliance, their mamas and daddies who raised and loved them struggle with the opposite. We know who we are and what we’ve sacrificed…and we’d do it again in a heartbeat.
My friend, success isn’t easily defined and contained within boundaries. It doesn’t tiptoe on our doorstep and ask, “May I come in?”
Often, success is more subtle than that.
It beckons.
It nudges.
It sidles up beside us.
Then, it whispers, “I’m here. Will you join me?”
Suddenly, years melt away.
Yesterday’s behind us.
We’ve weathered storms. We’ve rallied.
We can’t turn back the clock, but we can reinvent it.
No longer are we slaves to archaic thinking and societal dictates.
Success hasn’t left us at the starting gate. It’s merely waited for us to catch up.
There it is now.
Let’s go!
Has your chance come and gone? Only if you believe it!
Is your mindset holding you hostage? How to change that.
How Do We Keep the Dream Alive?
Motivation and encouragement for writers to stay the course.
When You Must Go Through the Forest to See Daylight
Discouragement’s real. Crud is a given. But…your forest is temporary. Here’s why.
Start With Baby Steps… Leap with Faith
Success happens when we leap with faith.
Original Image Credit: Xusenru/Pixabay
What has success taught you?
How has it changed you?
What challenges have you overcome as you’ve moved forward?
So glad you stopped by today!
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Please join me at SEEKERVILLE Tuesday, July 18th, as I share social media tips in How to Build Your Fire When Your Wood’s Still Wet. Leave a comment that day for a chance to win lunch, coffee, and books on me!
Until next time ~
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 10
You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis
Tina, so true! That’s one of my favorite quotes.
I understand where you’re coming from but I’ve reached a place where, yes, I want success but more than that, I want significance. Did I make a difference? Is the world better because of me? ☺
Jennifer, agreed! (And absolutely! You make ALL the difference.) xx
Well said, Cynthia!
Ruth, thank you, my friend!
Cynthia, wonderful post. I often think I’m getting too old. But guess what? As long as there is breath in me there is still time.
Terri, that’s the spirit! Rah-Rah-Rah!
Cynthia, as a baby-boomer closer to the beginning of the designated time span (1946-1964), I’ve learned to take life one day at a time, and not to sweat the small stuff. My writing career, if that’s what I want it to be, will be. I am just feeling so blessed to be here and enjoy it all.
Marcia, hear-hear to blessings! And ohh so true about not sweating the small stuff.
Thanks so much for stopping by!