As September draws to a close, there’s a hint of fall in the Ozarks.
Though the metamorphosis is subtle, change is on the horizon as leaves grow restless and weary with the shifting season.
It’s the time of year when earth yawns and new colors emerge replacing summer greens and once-vibrant blossoms. Usually, there’s a nip to the air by now, though, in my little niche we’ve hit a brief heat wave and we’re into the nineties again. Go figure.
Though I’m unable to attend the 2017 ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) conference this week in the great state of Texas, my thoughts and prayers go out to all conferees. May you meet with fabulous connections and divine appointments!
For those not attending the conference, be sure and follow along at the ACFW website where updates and links will be posted. If you’d like to catch the awards ceremony on Saturday, September 23rd, check here for more info. (Watch for updated links in the right-hand sidebar.) The event is usually streamed live after the banquet and it’s always fun and full of surprises. (This is when the Carol and Genesis award winners are announced.)
Last year, I finaled in the romance and novella categories. This year I semi-finaled in the romance category and finaled again in the novella category (both with new stories). It’s been a fruitful and busy year!
Currently, I’m making revisions on some other projects and I’m also finishing a manuscript in a tentative book series. (Hallelujah and please pass the coffee!)
On Tuesday, I blogged (about time management for writers) over at the WordServe Water Cooler. Check out the entire post here. Look for me back at the Water Cooler on Tuesday, October 17th.)
Additional non-writing updates include various things. College gal’s back to school (*sniffle*), home repairs are finally completed after spring storms, and our fur-baby Miranda has a new kitty tunnel! (Crazy-fun photos ahead in next month’s newsletter, which BTW, you can sign-up for my monthly newsletters over in the sidebar.)
Now, settle back and enjoy a little eye-candy as we head into the weekend! (Hint: If you missed 10 Reasons to Do Sunday Brunch at the Keeter Center be sure and read. Put College of the Ozarks and the Keeter Center on your must-do list when you visit the Ozarks. And remember—there are absolutely no calories in photos. None. 😉 )
Have a great weekend!

One of the scrumptious dessert displays included in the Keeter Center Brunch. (And yes—that IS candy corn fudge!)

Williams Memorial Chapel at College of the Ozarks is open to the public for Sunday Services. The architecture is stunning and worship is sweet.
Fun fall update and a little eye-candy, too! Join us!
The stories that matter depend on perspective. (Like this humorous vignette.)
Original Image Photo: CCO Creative Commons/Pixabay
What’s going on in your world?
See you back next week!
Much Love and Many Blessings,