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I don’t know about you, but occasionally a recharge is in order.
Be it a mid-summer slump, transitional doldrums, or weariness with the writing journey, sometimes it’s necessary to just unwind and take a load off—physically and mentally.
If today’s that day for you, my friend, hurrah!
Don’t be shy.
Kick off your shoes, take a deep breath, and indulge. You’re welcome here!
It’s time to take a cool, refreshing dip in the encouragement well.
Don’t worry about a towel—it’s comfortably warm in my neck of the woods. In fact, you’ll positively glow by the time you leave.
Here we go!
As you know (if you’re a frequent visitor here) this blog is more than a writing blog. I do talk often about the writing journey, yes—but I also offer nuggets of inspiration to uplift you in your sojourn, too—whatever that may be.
Life’s a challenge. Sometimes, the trials and daily grind on this old earth can wear us out. That’s why I cling to God’s unchanging Word.
These are scriptures that encourage me (taken from dog-eared pages of my Bible and ones I immersed myself in during my time in the valley):
- Romans 5:1-5 (Regarding peace and joy)
- 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 16-18 (All-encompassing love of God; Our trials are temporary)
- Jeremiah 29:11 (His plan for us is perfect!)
- Hebrews 11:1 (Faith is our cornerstone.)
Remember to read the passages in their entirety so you don’t miss the full context of the message.
Also, you won’t want to miss my friend Donna Pyle’s new book, Quenched: Christ’s Living Water for a Thirsty Soul, which just released by Concordia Publishing House. Talk about encouragement, this book is jam-packed with mega doses of truth, transparency, and inspiration and delivered in a straight-forward, Donna Pyle fashion. I’ll share more about the book next month.
Recently, I mentioned The Reason and The Sinners’ Garden by William Sirls. With the release of his first two books, Sirls has quickly become a favorite read. The characters he creates are fallible with a few battle scars and they come to know Christ in unique and powerful ways. I haven’t quit thinking about either story since I finished these books! (Always a great sign.)
Another keeper promises to be Miracle in a Dry Season by Sarah Loudin Thomas. Mention the word miracle and I’m all in! I’m excited to dive into this one soon. Afterward, I’ll post a review and host a giveaway so I hope you’ll continue to check back for that.
More encouragement boosters:
- A Heaven-Sent Wave, Perfectly Timed by Scott Stephens online at Guideposts. (Poignant reminder about our on-time God!)
- Be Strong in the Face of Adversity (Don’t miss this short devotional by Pastor Tim Burt.)
- What is Your Patience Quotient? (Patience during the writing journey. And if you write, you should seriously think about joining the Books and Such Blogging Community where great encouragers hang out. Our agents dish everything from craft to social media and more!)
Now—for some motivational nuggets from my own archives:
- Encourage One Another (Be present, involved, and willing when it comes to encouraging others.)
- You’re Worth It (Self-worth. ‘Nuff said)
- Courage to Complete the Journey (Rising above the bar despite obstacles)
- Two Words that Will Change Your Mindset (“I Can” takes healthy risks, motivates, and welcomes challenges.)
And, regarding that much-needed recharge:
5 Ways to Fall Asleep Quicker at Night via Lifehack
And Dayspring’s gentle reminder… The world clamors, “Do more! Be all that you can be!” But our Father whispers, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Need encouraged? Come on over for a red-hot recharge! (Click to Tweet)
All aboard! Time to take a ride on the encouragement train! (Click to Tweet)
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NOTE: Blogging Break on Monday, 7/28. I’ll be back on Wednesday, 7/30!
Who or what encouraged you this week?
Do you have a favorite scripture or a go-to pick-me-up?
Love ya in Jesus!
Blessings Always,

Comments 4
What encouraged me this week? Well, can I cheat and mention something from last week? It was spending five glorious days up in Little Falls, Minnesota, with three amazing friends. So refreshing and fun…man I love those girls. 🙂
Melissa, I think I heard about that. What would we do without friends?! 🙂
You are always encouraging!
Thank you, Cynthia!
Shelli, all of us need a little encouragement! Have a great day!