His Love Revealed officially released last week, and today I wanted to share some post book launch thoughts.
But first things first. The winner of last week’s blog drawing for a print copy of His Love Revealed and a $10 Amazon gift card is Joan A. Congratulations, Joan! Please contact me by 10-16-20 with your mailing address so I can send your gifts to you. ♥
Now, friends, as we head toward the weekend, I hope you’re looking forward to a little downtime and some rest and relaxation. Of course, too, I hope that includes a great book and a slice of pie. *hint*
It’s a good feeling to work hard, and afterward, it’s wonderful to step back, pause, and regroup.
While it’s thrilling to celebrate another book birthday, a little time off after the party is a nice, too!
As I’ve shared, this story stretched me in various ways.
I wrote to deadline on the heels of my daddy’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis and eventual entry into a long term care facility.
I helped care for my aging mama.
I had major surgery.
I missed family milestones and celebrations.
Then, as I met deadline—hallelujah BTW—I began planning all sorts of fun things prior to book launch. The word pandemic never even entered my mind. And I certainly couldn’t dream we’d still be dealing with it 10 months later.
Nevertheless, I worked hard. I assembled my launch team, planned promo and special events, and scheduled a blog tour and guest spots. Book signings at our local libraries and book stores weren’t happening yet, but still, I plowed ahead.
However, as Ida Mae and Chuck can attest to in His Love Revealed, life doesn’t always go as we plan, dream, or hope.
The week of book launch, my mother-in-law passed away.
She’d been ill, but we hadn’t expected things to progress as quickly as they did. The blessing is that my mother-in-law didn’t linger in discomfort. While my husband and I were en route to her home, she transitioned to heaven with my sisters-in-law nearby.
We’d spoken to my mother-in-law the night before, and for that, I’m so thankful. Our last words to her were I love you.
Naturally, book launch plans took a back seat to more pressing things. I stepped away from book related matters to focus on family time.
I prescheduled social media updates as best I could and rallied my launch team and others to share throughout the week. My support team helped in a huge way! Thank you, everyone!
While it’s been a bittersweet season, His Love Revealed is finally here, and I so hope you will grab it, read it, and of course, love it! Oh, and I’d really, really appreciate it if you’d review it, too.
Please help me spread the word about this heartwarming story—I think it’s the balm that so many folks need just now.
Thank you!
Sometimes, life doesn’t go as we plan, dream, or hope. When unexpected detours happen, what then?
Book launch didn’t happen as I envisioned. Why I stepped away to focus on family time.
Have you experienced an unplanned detour?
What has it taught you?
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Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 3
Friend, I’ve followed your journey on this book from the beginning and prayed for you many times. I’m so happy His Love Revealed is in readers’ hands, and I hope you get a little time to rest and refill your heart and creative well.
Thanks so much, Karen! I’m actually on deadline for Her Faith Restored, book three in this series, so after a very brief respite, I’m back in the saddle again. 😀 This series holds my heartstrings—I hope readers continue to enjoy it!
I received my book and gift card yesterday! Thanks so much. I know I will enjoy the book!