Life Is a Stage…But Shouldn’t Be

Cynthia Herron Christianity 6 Comments

The Great Passion Play

The Great Passion Play (outdoor theater) at Eureka Springs, Arkansas

A few years ago we had the opportunity to see The Great Passion Play at Eureka Springs, Arkansas.

If you’ve never seen it, you should. It’s a magnificent depiction of the last days of Jesus’s earthly ministry.

I remember sitting spellbound throughout much of the play, especially during the crucifixion scene of Jesus. I recall thinking what was it like to have actually been there?

I could barely stand to hear the crack of the whip against the wind, to see the crown of “thorns” placed upon the actor’s head. All the special effects left me speechless, and my handkerchief could barely contain my tears. I wondered if others were as moved as I. Judging from the crowd seated around me, it was evident they were.

I left The Great Passion Play that evening deeply moved. I still thought about it days later.

I thought about Jesus and His sacrifice for mankind. For me.

I think in life we must be resolved. Resolved to shrug off our mantle of complacency, resolved to be a beacon, not a burden. We must tell people about Jesus and not hope that others will do our job for us.

We all wear the facade from time to time—at work, at church, out in public—and the thing is, it can really be very draining. I realize different occasions call for different “hats,” but I believe we can still be authentic without being fake.

I’m conscious of this as I write. The characters I create sometimes have to learn the hard way.

Life is a stage, but it shouldn’t be.

We place too much emphasis on what others think and we let it devalue us. Impressions and perceptions are important, but maybe we should concentrate more on living life as an active participant of the audience rather than memorizing our next line of the play.


A question for you to ponder…

Is “stepping off the stage” an impossibility in today’s world?

Blessings Always,

Comments 6

  1. chanceman4

    Sometimes it’s tough to be transparent, when people will see your flaws…but that’s what a hurting world needs to see. Nobody’s perfect and we all go through hapiness, sadness, hurts and pains…but we have a Shepherd, Savior and Friend to turn to and to share:) If you get a chance, please come and check out my site at chanceman4. My name is Chris Chance and there is a link on my blog to listen to my CD, “Following You” featuring “You” and “His Prints Are in the Sand” (based on the Footprints poem). Also PLEASE go to You can download any or all of my songs for the price of your choosing…pretty good deal…you can even get them for free, as long as you put in an email address and zip code (which is only used for me to keep you updated on any happenings). I have chosen to use this option, so that anyone would be able to download my music, no matter their situation. We are trying to get this project up and moving, so anything you can do and any way you could pass it on would be greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy and are blessed by it!!!!
    Thanks and God Bless!

  2. Ed Williams

    Fortunately (or unfortunately) I am FINALLY learning to “step off the stage” (actually more of LEAPING) at middle age. I like your take on this and enjoyed the read!

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  4. pattisj

    I hope it is not an impossibility, because we need to be Jesus’ voice, hands and feet, rather than on display or acting the part. What good is an untouchable vessel? Living Water needs to flow out of us to quench the thirsts of those who are parched and dry.

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