Let Freedom Ring

Cynthia Herron Patriotism 2 Comments

Pollyanna or not, there are certain things that bother me.  Here are a few:  those that don’t remove their hats and caps in church, unnecessary rudeness to people, lack of common courtesies, and remaining seated during our National Anthem.

Would you believe, I’ve been at ballgames before where folks actually stayed glued to their seats gobbling their hot dogs and nachos, visiting with buddies, or slathering on sunscreen as most people around them stood in respect of Old Glory and the words honoring her?  You may have been witness to this also.

Years ago, I remember standing at a baseball game as the soloist proudly began to belt out the first few words to our National Anthem.  Someone a few rows in front of me answered his cell phone… “No,” he chuckled merrily, swigging his soft drink, “You didn’t bother me.  Some chick’s just singing the National Anthem.  No big deal…”

No big deal.  His words haunted me.  No big deal?  The stars and stripes of the American flag aren’t a big deal? Well, at least the man was standing.  I’ll give him that much.

I don’t pretend to understand the lack of patriotism.  To me, it should be simple.  Our party lines may be different, but heavenly days, it’s a pretty dismal statement when one views our National Anthem, Old Glory, and all that they stand for as “no big deal.”

Despite our current problems, America is still the greatest nation to be living in.  Her freedoms, her opportunities, her open arms to those who are different…Is it any surprise that refugees travel here en masse to embrace the life we so blessedly have?!

I’m so thankful that I live in America and that I have the freedom of speech, both verbally and written!  I’m thankful that we can still say, “One nation under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance.  And I’m thankful, also, that we can agree to disagree without fear of the ultimate retaliation (death).

A question for you to ponder…What does patriotism mean to you?

Comments 2

  1. pattisj

    The dictionary describes patriotism as devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country; national loyalty. After September 11, 2001, I saw this in our nation, and this is what I think patriotism looks like. Unfortunately, I think the freedoms we have are taken for granted. We have had it so good for so long, that we no longer know what it cost to get to this place. How many of us today would fight for our freedom, in winter, without shoes? Song lyrics come to mind, “You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone.” I couldn’t help but notice the unrest in several nations when word spread about the burning of the Koran. (that’s how it was spelled when I was in school) So where is our indignation when someone burns our flag?…and God forbid, when it is our own citizens who’ve done it. 🙁 My heart breaks.

  2. Post

    Amen, Patti! I must admit, I always look for the “good” in folks. Sometimes, though, I have to wonder what people are thinking when they do such horrific things! Your comment was EXCELLENT! Thank you, friend.

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