Keep Smilin'

Cynthia Herron Christianity, Positive Thinking 6 Comments

For those of you who have ever gone through difficulties in life, you know how hard it can be to keep smilin’ at times.

Occasionally, life throws us some nasty curve balls.  Some may experience family drama, trauma, divorce, or illness.  Dreams may be put on hold, aspirations shelved for the time being, and goals sidelined.

Even the most positive person can become “done in”, stressed out, or dejected.  If, perhaps, you’re one of those people going through a rough patch right now, then this post is for you.

I’d like to share a bit of what’s on my heart today.  (Sometimes, I really have to pray for God’s discernment, and make sure that I’m not just jumping on my own little soapbox! )

You may remember my post on mountaintops.  In it, I talked about the mountains and valleys we face periodically in our lives.

Many who are close to our family know that we endured a deep valley, indeed, some years ago.  We were touched by a medical crisis that forever changed our lives and that of one of our children.  (That’s a separate post in itself that one day I may share with you when the timing’s right.)

We never think “its” going to happen to us or those we love.  It’s inconceivable to think that we might be faced with those horrible things that “only happen to other people.”  When catastrophe enters our lives unexpectedly, though, it can profoundly alter our perception of the world around us and shake us to the core.

And I must tell you that even though I’m often teased about being “little Miss Sunshine”, there was a time when I felt anything but.  I know what it’s like to hurt, to feel loss, to feel angry and betrayed–just as you do.  No, I may not have experienced your situation exactly, but because I have suffered so deeply, I’m especially sensitive to those who are trudging that lonesome road of discouragement–the same one I was traveling down once.

As I’ve told you before, I’m a “fix-it” person.  Truthfully, I know that things (and people) can’t always be fixed by human hands.  As God’s instruments, however, we can allow Him to do great things through us!

If you’re discouraged and hurting today…

  •  You don’t have to suffer in silence.  Know that there are others who have traveled in similar shoes.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  Invite others to pray with you and for you.  (It isn’t selfish.)
  • Stay focused on the bigger picture–there WILL be brighter days ahead!  God is always at work behind the scenes.  He may not provide immediate answers and progress may be slow.  Instead of giving you a miracle just now, you may have to wait until He’s finished perfecting the masterpiece within you.

I try to keep smilin' even in my laundry room at home!

A question for you to think about…How do you keep smilin’ when you’re faced with adversity?

Comments 6

  1. Keli Gwyn

    Cynthia, one thing that sustains me during tough times is the certainty that God is at work. The greatest growth I’ve experienced is a direct result of enduring some trials that nearly broke me. I wouldn’t be the person I am today had I not lived through those difficult days and learned the lessons the Lord had for me.

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  2. Sarah Forgrave

    Great post, Cynthia! Oh boy, have I faced adversity in the last few years and months. It was hard to keep my sense of humor in the midst of it all. Some days, all we can do is roll out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. And as the fog starts to clear, the smiles return.

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      You’re right, Sarah! I sure couldn’t face hardship if it was just me steering the ship! We’re so blessed that we have One we can depend on, and One who is with us always.

  3. pattisj

    Thanks for sharing a post of hope. Many are downtrodden at this time, with so many struggles in our world. A lot of people have never experienced this distress, when everything that can be shaken is being shaken. We don’t have to go it alone, and that’s good advice. Seek out those who have trod the path before you, they have much wisdom. Reminds me of the tapestry, we see the underneath side with stitches askew, but God sees the top, the beauty that is being created.

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    Yes, Patti, you said it beautifully! I suppose that’s why I wanted to speak about this subject today, as I so often do. In light of the tough times we are living in, folks seem to be faced with more hardship than ever before. We see the strain on their faces, in their eyes, their demeanor. And so many are still without the ultimate Hope…

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