Birthing another book baby means birthing another launch team. Wa-hooo!!!
The launch team is the rocket fuel in an author’s go-for-launch book baby ship. It’s the juice that propels our book into the hands of eager readers. (Click-to-Tweet)
A savvy, well-positioned launch team will ensure a successful book launch. Ideally, the team will generate buzz and continue to build on that.
Launch team members aren’t in it just for free books (though usually, the author’s book is a nice perk).
The best team members are those who are fans of the author’s work, or at least of the author’s genre, and they are excited to launch said book baby into this big, beautiful world. (Click-to-Tweet)
When selected, launch team members understand:
- Specific tasks are required of members. This includes sharing book memes (no spoilers), bookstagrams, blog posts, tweets, social media snippets, and more.
- Honest book reviews are appreciated. Team members are encouraged to post their reviews to Amazon and additional book sites.
- Expressing why the team member enjoys said book is not only helpful, but necessary. Excitement breeds excitement!
- A healthy social media presence is key. Posting often to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and/or a blog are musts. Sharing within a member’s sphere of influence is awesome!
- Healthy launch teams bond. They pull together when things get crazy. They brainstorm creative ways to continue momentum. They laugh together, pray together, and encourage the author and one another.
- What’s said privately to the team, stays within the team. This builds trust and promotes a safe environment for everyone.
- There will be goodies and giveaways along the way. Some small things, some big things to keep our mission fun!
I’m finally at that stage where I select my launch team! His Love Revealed, book two in my Welcome to Ruby series, officially releases October 1, 2020 and goes up for pre-order August 15th.
This week, I opened my launch team call-out. If you missed it, pop over to my Facebook page or readers’ group and scroll to those posts. Speaking of Facebook, be sure and check out the recent video I created for my page. I hope it makes you want to know more about His Love Revealed, and if you’re so inclined, I’d love it if you shared!
Interested launch team members have 10-12 days to reach out. If that’s you, please e-mail me or use the contact form on my website. Please tell me about you, and please include your social media links. Selected launch team members will be notified within the next two weeks.
Also, if you’d simply like to join my blog tour, I’ve partnered with Just Read Publicity Tours during the dates of 9/29/20 through 10/03/20. Sign-ups for my His Love Revealed tour will open soon!
I’m so ready to get this party started! *tosses sparkly confetti*
Don’t forget, to stay up-to-date on my writing news, sign up for my monthly e-newsletters. Next one goes to subscribers’ inboxes in about a week or so! ♥
What does a street team do anyway? 7 criteria for a healthy, cohesive team!
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Questions about my launch team? Ask away!
Hope you’re doing well!
Remember, let me know if you’d like to be considered for my HLR launch team ~ I’d love to chat with you!
Much Love and Many Blessings,