Oh, my goodness—it’s Happy Book Birthday time!
Today on the blog I’m officially celebrating the release of Her Hope Discovered, book one in my Welcome to Ruby series. It’s all systems go as we buckle up for blast-off!
No need to comb your hair, apply lipstick, or change out of your PJs (I promise I won’t look—too close). Just settle back, grab your Snuggie (you know—that blanket-thing with sleeves that was all the rage a few years ago), and belly up to the coffee bar—let’s get this book launch blog party started!
Now, first…a few things we should address.
- I don’t stand on ceremony. I say tactfully, truthfully, and lovingly what I think. With a hug.
- I’m not a fancy gal. Who has time?
- I do have manners, but hoity-toity I’m not.
- Give me fried chicken and taters over caviar and finger sandwiches.
- I love to laugh, but I try not to snort. (Sometimes, it happens. Whoops!)
- I’m imperfect, fallible, flawed, and forgiven…and I’m thankful for huge buckets of grace, ’cause Heaven knows I need lots!
There. Now that we have those things out of the way (and if you’re still here) yaaaay! Let’s go-for-launch!
As you might guess—Christmas and a book launch—together during the busiest holiday season of the year is enough to send a début author straight to her fridge! Er…I mean friends. Yes, friends. That’s the word I’m searching for. 🙂
Without friends to ground me during this trial-by-fire period, I might have gone a wee bit crazy. Well, crazier, my family might add. (Click-to-Tweet)
Friends assured me I’d be okay.
Friends covered me in prayer.
Friends shared, tweeted, and posted Her Hope Discovered news and memes.
Friends had my back, my front, and my sides. They set me right-side-up when I wobbled from exhaustion.
And…we’re still not done! But Her Hope Discovered, this book that launched the series of my heart, is out there now—out in this big, beautiful world for all to read (and hopefully, review). I am so eternally grateful and blessed.
This author thing is such a blast! (Not gonna lie—it’s surreal!)
Imagine the world’s biggest, best ice cream sundae topped off with three mounds of whipped cream and two plump, red cherries. You know you want to take a bite and savor all the goodness, but you’re afraid it could all disappear before you really sink your teeth into it.
It’s those little niggles of doubt that keep one humble…and maybe, too, from experiencing all God intends.
When we’ve trudged through the valley and made it up the incline, we can live in fear that hardship will find us again, or we can celebrate the milestone and relish the blessings. (Click-to-Tweet)
That’s what I’ve chosen to do.
I’m not going to say why now, God? Why not sooner?
I’m believing His best and trusting His timing.
I’m taking a page from my own book (*a-hem* Her Hope Discovered) and considering second chances.
Like Charla and Sam, I’m stepping out of the shade and reaching toward sunlight. I’m shedding the old in favor of new. I’m recalling the past, but as I said in my recent newsletter, I’m embracing the future.
I’m absolutely tickled you’re joining me on this journey!
Giveaway alert! Giveaway alert! Giveaway alert!
*$25.00 Amazon gift card
*Autographed copy of Her Hope Discovered
Here are the drawing eligibility rules:
- Must be age 21 or over to win
- Must be a U.S. resident (Due to mailing restrictions)
- Winner will be drawn at random
- Void where prohibited
- NO purchase necessary
- Winner(s) must claim prize within one week of announcement
Answer a question/leave a comment. Every comment (today 01/04/19 through Saturday 01/05/19 will be counted as a drawing entry. Winner will be announced Friday, January 11, 2019 here on the blog. Party on!
(No worries if your comment doesn’t immediately appear. I’ll check in often and update as we go!) 🙂

Her Hope Discovered on sale now!
Is the sure thing worth risking for the possibility of maybe?
Charla Winthrop, a savvy business woman seeking a permanent lifestyle change in small-town Ruby, learns that things aren’t always what they appear when she takes up residence in a house steeped in charm and a hint of mystery.
Rumor has it that Sam Packard the town carpenter is her go-to guy for home remodeling, but can Charla convince him to help her—with no strings attached, of course? Alone far too long, Sam’s prayed that God would send him a wife and a mother for his daughters. However, the new Ruby resident is hardly what he imagined. A new place to call “home,” the possibility of what might be, and the answer to someone’s prayers unite this unlikely pair with the help of the town’s residents.
Nestled in the Ozarks’ hills and hollows is Ruby, Missouri, a quaint, cozy town where “neighbor” is merely another word for “friend.” Ruby will charm and delight as will her quirky, lovable characters who will steal your heart, but hand it right back—with whipped cream and a cherry on top. Savor your new friends’ sorrows and successes in the community where offbeat is perfect and mishaps and mayhem never tasted so good!
It’s a par-taaay! Join us as we celebrate Cynthia Herron’s book birthday! (Giveaway included!)
It’s all systems go as Her Hope Discovered by Cynthia Herron blasts off the launch pad!! Come party with us and leave a comment for a chance to win!
Original (red and white) image credit: monicore/Pixabay
Have you trudged through a hard season? What did you learn?
Can you think of a time when you were granted a second chance? How did it make you feel?
What’s your best advice or encouragement for someone experiencing a tough season?
Let’s shift gears. What’s the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
In Her Hope Discovered, food’s mentioned…a lot. What’s your favorite food or dinner? Have you ever had a cooking disaster?
Thanks for joining the party today!
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Comments 44
Congratulations, Cynthia! I’m so happy for you! Truly exciting to watch dreams come true. I loved the video of you opening your box of books. Such a sweet moment. Thank you for sharing this experience with your friends.
Laura, so happy to share the ride with you! You will always hold a very special in my heart!
Congratulations again, Cynthia! Your book is so lovely. I hope tons of people buy it, read it and review it. 🙂
I’ve had more than one cooking disaster including dropping a turkey as I took it out of the oven. Oops! I don’t think it is possible to cook for as many years as I have and not. So I’ll pick one.
I was 18 and had invited a couple from church and this guy that I really liked a lot to dinner at my parent’s house. They were out of town and I was cooking. Not a big deal – I had been cooking for years. Dinner was chili, so simple. Dessert was lemon meringue pie. Not as simple, yet I had made it a million times and was very comfortable with it. When I was juicing the lemons, a seed got into the juice. I was about to remove it and then pride got in my way. “If I leave it in, then he might see it and will know I truly made this from scratch.” So I left it.
When it came time for dessert, I went into the kitchen and sliced into the pie. The filling oozed all over the place. It hadn’t set and was an ugly, runny mess. I was so embarrassed! This was supposed to be impressive! My friend helped me spoon it into bowls and replaced the forks with spoons. I couldn’t bear to go into the other room yet. After a couple of minutes, my friend returned with an empty bowl and said that Scott had loved it and requested seconds. So I felt a little better until I looked into the bowl and saw – yep. He had gotten the seed!
The best part about this story is that my pie didn’t scare him away and we have now been married for a long, long time. 🙂
Ohh, Phyllis! I could feel your anguish over that uncooperative lemon meringue pie filling! I’ve sooo been there! I held my breath until the end of your story. THAT is the BEST. 🙂
Congratulations on your new book, Cynthia!! So exciting! I love this: “Ruby will charm and delight as will her quirky, lovable characters who will steal your heart, but hand it right back—with whipped cream and a cherry on top.” Can’t wait to read your story! When our house flooded last year, by the dog who wasn’t ours, it was a rough time trying to put the house back together, but scripture helped a lot, prayer helped a lot, and friends helped a lot. I learned so much during that process!
My favorite food is tater skins with lots of sour cream!
This sounds like a great book, Cynthia. Happy book birthday!!
Sally, I cannot imagine going through the flooding you went through with your home. I remember cringing at the time, and praying all the clean-up and fix-it details would go smoothly. We live in Tornado Alley and we’ve had multiple brushes with weather-related events, which included damage and repairs. Your issue was a faucet that malfunctioned…in an odd way, correct? I’m so glad that is behind you!
Please pass those tater skins, gal!
Yes, in an odd way lol. It was done by a dog that wasn’t ours. My daughter was dog sitting and he turned on the sink faucet, overflowing the sink and caused water to run throughout the house.
I will gladly share the tater skins!
Yes! Sally, I remember that now! Oh. My. Gosh. Obviously, that needs to go into a book. 😉 Tater skins = optional. Ha!
I love your enthusiasm for writing and for life! 🙂 Congratulations on the new story! I love it!
Melissa, thank you so much! You’ve made the journey sweeter!
Hi! Popping in to grab a hot chocolate early! Hmmm…your questions…have I been through a hard season and what did I learn? I learned that every hard season has an ending. Now that I’m not IN one right now, it seems easy to say that, but it’s true. They begin, and they END. And it’s harder to see a loved one going through a hard season then it is to go through one yourself.
Ummm…this is delicious hot chocolate, Cynthia! I’m off to work for now but I’ll be back for some more goodies later.
Oh, Laurie, my friend! You are so spot-on with seasons. What a great analogy!
Tipping my coffee mug to your cuppa hot chocolate—bottoms-up, gal! *clink* Thanks so much for stopping by!
Congratulations Cynthia, and Happy Book Birthday! Her Hope Discovered is a GREAT book. Go get it RIGHT NOW! I promise you won’t be disappointed. Cindy is the REAL DEAL! And she makes wonderful virtual hot chocolate.
Still can’t believe I missed the chance to hug you in Nashville. You go girl. I’m ready for book 2 in this fabulous series!
Cindy, thanks so much for your kind words! *blush* I’m so sorry I missed hugging your neck, too! (Wasn’t that hotel just massive??? I got lost just trying to locate the powder room! Lol) Hope we can connect in San Antonio this fall!
Cindy I am soooooo excited for you about your book!! I absolutely love it! I am going to read it again soon!! The characters feel like me friends and i was sad when I finished!!! I can’t wait for the next book!!! I am telling Everyone I
Know about my Cousin who wrote this amazing book!!!!
Nancy, feel *that*? THAT’s me hugging you sooo hard! Thank you for cheering me on and for spreading the word about Her Hope Discovered. Your sweet words made me grin! 🙂
Congratulations, Cynthia, on your debut! What a celebration of a dream …worked for…and achieved!
I’m so pleased you included FOOD in your story. Ida Mae’s diner sounds like a place where I’d love to have a hearty soup…plus dessert!
Mega-congratulations…with lots of confetti tossing and CHOCOLATE goodies…plus icing! Hugs of JOY to you, my friend!
Sherida, I cannot not write a book without food! *gasp* The sheer horror at that notion! haha
Thank you, my friend, for your warm congrats! I’m ready for that icing! 😉
Congratulations on your debut book birthday! I can’t wait to read my copy. Yes to dinner disasters. I remember in college we received a Crock-Pot and I made dinner before I left for classes (this was when I was in law school and my husband was in pharmacy school and we were already married). I was so proud of myself. Well, I didn’t read that the noodles were supposed to be added 1/2 hour before serving and I added them in the morning. It was a mushed up mess and we ended up breaking our bank and going out to dinner. But in the stairwell on our way out to dinner, we ran into a couple who we knew well (we went to their wedding) and found out they were expecting a baby. So that’s one dinner disaster that has always stayed in my memory. Have a great book launch. (And yes, I seem to get second chances every day about some things but not all.) Have a great day.
Tanya, ahh, yes! Noodles! Who knew they were such stinkers when it came to overcooking? (I’ve had my fair share of noodle disasters…as well as…um…other things -> Pea Accidents Happen)
We definitely remember those dark moments! Lol
Thank you, friend, for stopping by! (And I didn’t know you went to law school. Learned something new about you!)
Congrats!!! I’m so happy for you!! I’ve absolutely walked through a hard time and I’ve learned so many things the last few weeks, one of which is that trying times can either hold me back or push me forward. Now that we finally found the answer to all of my health issues and the healing process begins I’m so happy that I can push forward and know that God is answering so many prayers in this season of my life too. It’s going to be a long and hard process, but I know that it’s going to be so worth it!
Abby, you’ve dealt with so much for so long! Thankful to hear you now have answers. Continuing to pray for healing and great days ahead!
My favorite advice to someone going through a tough time is: TTSP (This Too Shall Pass)
Cynthia, congrats on your debut book (series) I enjoyed reviewing it and look forward to more.
TTSP. Michelle, what a great reminder! So tickled you enjoyed Her Hope Discovered! Thank you for reading and reviewing!
My cooking disaster happened when I tried to cook a Thanksgiving meal for my boyfriend (now husband) . I melted the plastic pitcher I was pouring the hot tea in, I left the bag inside the turkey, and I burnt the biscuits.
Ohh, Michelle! *grin* I so empathize! I mean—who hasn’t left that little, ol’ bag of giblet-things in the turkey? Or…burned biscuits…or melted a few bags? You’re my kind of gal! BTW see my reply to Tanya.
Wow, Cindy, what a pea disaster. I guess all good cooks have a story to tell 😉
I love your writings and I am your newest newsletter follower. You make me smile 🙂
Michelle, it was horrible. Looking back I can somewhat giggle at my clumsiness, but wowza, gal! It was worse than childbirth!
Welcome to my newsletter family! My January newsletter just went out. Let me know if you’d like one, and I’ll forward the latest to your e-mail. 🙂 Welcome aboard!
Cynthia, I am just LOVING your book! I’m just at the part where Charla’s about to go over for supper for the first time. I couldn’t read any more last night as I had to get up early with the kiddos. But I love your smooth voice and how you describe Sam. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a hunk like him? 🙂
Laurie, I’m so glad! I’m woefully behind in my reading, but I’m loving Northern Deception, too! So much to celebrate!
Congratulations on the book launch!
Jennifer, thank you!
Hi Cynthia!
I’m so thrilled to finally get my copy of Her Hope Discovered and can’t wait to dig in!
I love all the comments here about passing seasons. I’ve just come out of a long season in the desert, a 40-year season, to be exact. In retrospect, I never thought it would end, but feel kind of special that it lasted 40 years, as weird as that sounds, because I’ve been reading a lot about 40 years being a proving ground (number) for those He loves. So, I’m well loved!!!
As for the cooking disaster, I had my boss, a pastor and his family, over for dinner and made homemade pizza, but somehow the oven got turned off during baking and it came out raw. I tried to heat it up, but it was just a disaster. We all laughed that my spiritual gifts were obviously in administration and had fun playing games that night. I actually think the incident broke the ice a little with his wife and we’ve been friends for years now.
Yvonne, I so understand about those long, hard seasons, my friend. Praying continued blessings over you as you move forward!
I think we all must have a cooking disaster story! Glad yours worked out well.
First, CONGRATULATIONS!! It’s so exciting to be with you on your special day! Woowhoo!!! And such great questions Cynthia!! The hard season is just that, hard. But it’s in those valleys that I’ve seen God do amazing, mind-blowing things. The kind that stick with you and give you strength for the next hard season. Much love to you my friend and blessings!!
Sharee, so true about the valleys we trudge through and the blessings that can often come from them. Thank you for your well-wishes – Backatcha, my friend, with all the love and blessings your heart can hold!
Hi Cynthia! I’ve been waiting forever for a chance to read this book. I’m so excited I finally can!
Going through tough times ive learned to cling tight to Jesus.
Favorite food – pretty much anything chocolate!
Terri, so happy Her Hope Discovered is on your radar! I hope you enjoy it! And yes— chocolate is a staple. 😉
Thanks for the chance to enter this giveaway! Congratulations on your book!
Thank you for stopping by, Diane! You’re entered in the drawing. 🙂
Hope your book is a great success.
Marcia, thanks so much!
Congratulations on your book launch sounds like a great book!
Sarah, thank you ~ I think you’ll love Her Hope Discovered!