Her Faith Restored is here! Launch Day has officially arrived for book three in my beloved, Ozarks’ based Welcome to Ruby series! Woo-hoo! *tosses confetti*
Now, as you may remember, this is the book I finished writing as my precious daddy transitioned from this earth to heaven. In fact, this book came on the heals of three family deaths within a three-month time frame.
I won’t sugarcoat it. Writing to deadline under these circumstances took every ounce of energy I had. Thank God my publisher extended grace as I completed the third installment in this series of my heart.
And in case you missed it… Yes. There will be a fourth book in the Welcome to Ruby series. Look for hints in Her Faith Restored to see whose story you’ll read next! The working title is His Heart Renewed.
In the meantime, here’s the synopsis for Her Faith Restored:
Can two polar opposites meet in the middle to achieve a winning outcome?
Sunset Meadows’ activity director Melinda Brewer has her work cut out for her. As a five-year veteran with the cutting-edge retirement community, “Mel” wears many hats. But her job is more than a title. The residents at “The Meadows” are like family—some of whom she’s known her entire life. Ruby—this little niche in the Ozark Mountains—may be a mere dot on the Missouri map, but it’s also Mel’s birthplace, the land of her heritage, reminiscent of old ways while cognizant of new seasons.
Leave it to new kid on the block Matt Enders to upset the apple cart. When Enders is hired as the facility’s new social worker, his idea of a well-oiled machine is to eliminate a few rusty cogs—chiefly, some of Mel’s most successful programs. Mr. City Slicker doesn’t care about making waves. He delivers a hurricane!
Matt Enders isn’t budging. Let Mel Brewer think what she will. While he’s willing to meet the pint-size package of TNT halfway regarding new ideas and innovation, he won’t sacrifice improvement for the sake of hurt feelings. Can he convince Mel that a team approach is better than a single-handed effort?
Ironically, crabby Clinton Farley, a Meadows’ resident and devout non-believer, is the catalyst that draws Matt and Mel closer. Together, the two must set aside differences to work for a common cause—introducing Clinton to a sunnier side of life and a new way of living.
When they finally learn Clinton’s story, can Matt and Mel open their hearts to new opportunities, as well as each other?
Her Faith Restored is available for purchase at many retailers including…
Amazon | Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million | Walmart
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The book I cried my way through launches today! I’d love it if you helped me spread the word!
It’s my book birthday! In spite of three family deaths this past year, Her Faith Restored is finally here!
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Much Love and Many Blessings,