

Cynthia Herron Writing 2 Comments





As I navigate this path to publication, I’m conflicted.

During this long journey I’ve often had to put my publishing dream on hold. Raising a family, caring for a chronically ill child, working outside the home, myriad time-constraints—many writers have had to deal with this and more. At times, I think…how do they do it? How do other writers manage to work through life’s twists and turns and still manage to write a single word?

A few years ago, I wondered if the words and stories I so desperately longed to get out would just wither up and die. I was afraid I wouldn’t realize my publishing dream. Ever.

I don’t know that my life is any less hectic now, but I’ve come to realize one thing: if God planted the desire to write within my heart in the first place, then His vision for me will not change. It will come to fruition when His timing’s right whether or not I still have doubts.

I’ll pursue my dream and utilize my spiritual gifts to the best of my ability. I want to be ready when He is.


A question for you to ponder

What adversities have you overcome, or are overcoming, in pursuit of YOUR publishing dream?

Comments 2

  1. Sarah Thomas

    This has long been my attitude too! It can be so discouraging when things don’t happen on my timeline, but I figure God has a better timeline in mind. Definitely makes it easier to persevere.

    1. Post

      Coming out of “stealth mode” has been a huuuge leap for me, Sarah! We have to remember He does have things in control…especially today, a day marked by deep sadness for so many people in Japan.

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