As many of you know, I’m a “see-the-glass-as-half-full” kind of gal. Like you, I’ve been handed a lemon or two (or maybe a dozen) in life. Good thing I like them in my tea.
Hard times? Well, like Scarlett once said, “Tomorrow IS another day.”
Challenges, disappointment, rejection, or trials? Got it covered. My God is bigger than any of that junk.
Whether you’re a writer, reader, or a treasured gem who has stopped by for a visit, thank you for joining me today. And if you’re hanging suspended under the dark clouds of discouragement and despair, then today’s post is especially for you.
You’re worthy. You matter. God is about to work a miracle in your life!
You are not an insignificant speck in a sea of nothingness. If our Almighty God knows the very number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30) then He certainly has the solution to our problems, big and small.
But staying encouraged during hard times can be daunting. When we face those dark moments, we might be tempted to raise our hands and say, “I give up!”
We get tired. We wear out. We grow jaded.
I could dish up a plateful of platitudes just now, but if you’re like me, those leave me cold.
Let me just share:
- If you’re a writer on the slippery slope to publication, and you’re ready to throw in the towel, don’t. Your time to shine may not be just yet. Then again, it may be just around the corner. God spoke the world into existence. He could change your world in a heartbeat. I’ve navigated the path to traditional publication off and on for almost 20 years. I’ve had some detours, but I’m kind of like the unsinkable Molly Brown. I don’t throw in the towel easily. I’m on my way, but I’m not special, different, or someone with connections. I persevere.
- If you’re a doubter, give yourself a pat on the back. Good for you. Acknowledging your fear is the first step, but don’t fall prey to the “I’ll never be able to do this” mindset. My life motto, as you may recall, is: admit it, own it, and decide to move on. Don’t let the enemy cripple you into thinking that you’re not good enough, strong enough, or worthy enough to tackle those reservations. Everyone experiences doubt/fear at one time or another. Even the most revered folks such as authors, speakers, pastors, and teachers have brushed shoulders with fear and elbowed past insecurity. It’s n-o-r-m-a-l. Know this and don’t linger there. God has equipped us with everything necessary to overcome fear–the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit!
- If you’re nursing a wound or battling disappointment, understand “this, too, shall pass.” Simple, but profound words. And yet, knowing this doesn’t make it easier at times, does it? When our son battled a life-threatening chronic illness during his high school years, there were times I longed for a black hole to swallow me. Focusing on the problem didn’t help our son get better. Trusting God for a solution did. Faith (Hebrews 11:1) became my moment-by-moment focus. Faith in someone whose ways were higher than my own. For us Type A souls, handing God the reigns isn’t always easy. Sadly, sometimes, He has to break us a bit during the beautiful molding process. And the period of refinement is much sweeter because of it.
Staying encouraged during the hard times isn’t a break with reality. It’s anticipation of brighter days ahead.
We know hardships, disappointments, and catastrophes will happen, yet we also understand that these are precursors to greatness!
What storms have you faced lately?
How do you stay encouraged when adversity comes?
Photo Credit: listentothemountains/Creative Commons
Blessings Always,

Comments 5
I always leave so encouraged and lifted up! Thank you, Cindy!
Jess, I’m so glad! And YOU always inspire me with your wonderful Wednesday devos!
Thank you for the encouragement. Continuing persevering…
Go, Lori, go! Many times, perseverance isn’t easy, but unless we “press on,” we’ll never know the miracle.
It’s not “my” storm, but a storm that affects a neighbor tends to rain in my yard as well. The Lord is my encouragement, always a word in due season.