I had a disappointment last week. It was one of those Cinderella moments where my coach turned into a pumpkin and not the other way around.
Oddly, the hurt wasn’t one of those swift and immediate kind of things, but instead, a topsy-turvy ride that came (much later) in wave upon wave of nauseous discouragement.
Yes, it’s true. Even encouragers sometimes get discouraged. It’s just that doesn’t happen to me often, so when it does, it’s usually (A) over something significant OR (B) the crescendo to exhaustion. Mine happened to be a combination of both this time.
Is it coincidence that we’re studying the book of James in Sunday School? I think not. Somehow, trials, testing, and truth seem befitting of difficult seasons we pass through. Without these things, it’s impossible to appreciate glory at the end of our hardships.
How do we know it’s going to be okay when we’re socked-in-the-gut consumed by distress?
Here’s how:
- We may be disappointed, but we’re not defeated. God’s promised victory. It might not come in the way we plan, dream, or hope, but He sees the bigger picture and we’re right at the center of it. God’s dream is bigger than our own. In our finite brains that’s hard to grasp, but once we do, it changes our way of thinking!
- The cards may be stacked against us, but God can alter the deck! Anytime. Anyhow. Anywhere. Believers understand (or they should!) that miracles are God’s specialty. He knows the desires of our hearts, and He longs to grant our petitions when our pleas align with His will. And when He says “wait” or “not now,” it’s because He has a different plan in mind. It’s awesome and out-of-this-world, supernaturally perfect.
- We may be fallible, but He’s not. We don’t have to have all the answers. That’s not our job. We’re to seek wisdom and guidance from our Heavenly Father, but sometimes, His answer is simply this: trust. (Now, keep in mind–I didn’t say “trust” is simple. It’s not. But in our brokenness, we certainly get a better feel for the word.)
- We may feel naked, but God offers a beautiful wardrobe. He clothes us in righteousness. (And remember, transparency doesn’t make us weak-kneed. It gives God something to work with.) You know my motto: admit it, own it, and move on. Sometimes, tough, but oh, so freeing!
- We may be tempted to throw in the towel, but God says “Don’t.” We must persevere, press on, and realize God’s got this so we don’t have to. In other words, He’ll help us wash the towel, but He won’t hang us out to dry! Gotta love that!
What truths do you cling to during times of disappointment?
What might you say to encourage others?
How do we know it’ll be okay when we’re rocked by disappointment? (Click to Tweet)
Five encouraging thoughts during times of hardship. (Click to Tweet)
*I’ll be taking a blogging break Wednesday, but I’ll return again on Friday. Praying you have a super happy, hope-filled week!
Photo Credit: Gabriela Camerotti/Creative Commons
Blessings Always,

Comments 10
Cynthia, many prayers to you. Even in your discouragement you are able to encourage, your thoughts are needful and quite perfect. The writing life is not for the weak at heart. I struggle everyday. Women like you inspire me to continue!
Lisa, thanks for your kind words–they are a balm to my soul. Because of Christ, it’s easier to see the glass half-full rather than half-empty, but it doesn’t mean we can’t expect a few growing pains along the way. So thankful that when we see roadblocks, God sees victory! He moves over, above, and beyond what we perceive as defeat. Glory!
I’m sorry you dealt with disappointment last week, Cindy. Even though I feel crummy at such times, I remind myself that the feelings will pass. I talk thinks over with a trusted friend and spend time in prayer. Getting outside and walking helps, too, clearing my head and re-energizing me.
Keli, yes, thankfully, nothing lasts forever. Great suggestions for refocusing!
Praying for you. I’ve been in a season of pain-from one kind to another. It all started last October and has lasted through the winter. God has been walking me through it. I do feel like I’m coming into a new season now. Just remember that these seaons or weeks or days of pain and disappointment will pass. Hugs
Loree, I’m so sorry for your difficult season. Thankful that God sends those mountaintop moments to counteract the valleys! (And hugs right backatcha!)
I’m sorry you had to suffer disappointment last week, Cynthia. We know in Whom we believe, and He can be trusted with everything, because it all belongs to Him, anyway. He’s promised to work all things together for good, it just isn’t always the way we thought it would work out–He is able to do exceedingly beyond anything we can imagine. Here, have an M&M. 🙂
Patti, you’re so dear! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! (Wish you were here to share the M&M with me.)
You can have that one, I ate the rest of the bag. 😉
(((Hugs))) to you, Patti.