
Cynthia Herron Writing 4 Comments

Vintage cookbooks

A collection of vintage cookbooks

I’m a collector of many things.

My kitchen has an apple theme so I collect all things “apple.”  Gingerbread men and women grace my laundry room in the borders and on the walls. I adore miniature teapots so I have several of those. I’m also a lover of vintage cookbooks, preferably circa 1950 and earlier.

And my most cherished collection of all is… my collection of words.

Most writers will tell you that we are lovers of the written word.  We can’t get enough of them.  My favorites are adjectives because they are descriptors. They paint people, places, and things in glorious colors and they allow us to visualize our stories in vivid detail.

Along with adjectives are the verbs, the action words.  They move the story along and create tension and drama.  I like the verbs second best.

And you couldn’t have a story without nouns.  Without a person, place, or thing there wouldn’t be much to write about.

Other parts of speech and language play integral roles in our stories but these three are key elements.

I like to collect words at supermarkets, family gatherings, church, the mall, etc. I often return to snippets of conversation and roll the words over my tongue, anticipating how I might use them later.

In one of my manuscripts, the two main characters come from different geographic locations.  Each one has his (and her) own unique dialect, style of dress, and belief system.

It was challenging, but fun to create these characters and their story using what I love to collect most of all—words.

That may sound corny.

Unless you are a writer.


A question for you to ponder…

Do YOU have any collections?

Blessings Always,

Comments 4

  1. Loree Huebner

    I love this post. I’m a word collector too! I have a collection of old old dictionarys and thesauruses. I buy them at yard sales when I see them. They are treasure! The old books have more info and different uses in them. The new just have the standard.
    I also collect old recipe books and recipes! They’re the best. I have several of my mother’s. I collect copper jello molds for my kitchen, soldier’s Bibles from the Civil War, and hummingbird stuff.

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      Oh, Loree, I would love to see your collections! I could linger all day at estate sales, yard sales, auctions…Some of my best finds have been discovered at out of the way places. I also have a very early collection of Dick and Jane Readers that I dearly treasure.

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