Christmas Cheer Never Looked So Good

Cynthia Herron Family Time 11 Comments

While I’m not quite ready for Christmas music the day after Halloween, by the onset of December, the excitement starts to build.

I begin to anticipate the approaching holiday as soon as the last drumstick is gobbled up from our Thanksgiving turkey.

(This year, however, our family smoked turkey breasts so we didn’t have drumsticks–just the deelish white meat from the big, smoked birds themselves. It worked out well though. I found that I didn’t really need turkey legs to wind my internal clock by; the second round of pumpkin pie and whipped cream reminded me of what was just around the corner!)

The day after Thanksgiving, as is tradition, we decorate our Christmas tree and we deck the halls a bit.

We used to put a few mini trees up throughout our home, but this year we decided that “less was more.”

 Besides our “normal” artificial tree, our daughter decorated one of her own for her bedroom. It’s pink with silver and lime green ornaments to match her room colors. (I know what you’re probably thinking, but it’s really quite lovely. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?)

The one thing that we don’t compromise on is our ceramic Nativity set. It goes up every year. It’s precious to us because of what it represents: Christ’s birth. Jesus is Christmas.

Each year, our daughter arranges all the figurines just so. She’s very meticulous about who goes where.

I try not to notice the donkey’s missing ear. After all, the set IS quite old. I must remember to ask our oldest child if he recalls where the ear went. It’s always a humorous moment because of course he does.


Have you decorated for the Christmas season yet? Do you also have something you set out from year to year–something your family doesn’t compromise on?

Comments 11

  1. Loree Huebner

    We put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving when the kids are home.

    I’ve pulled out a few things here and there. I love your nativity. I have my mom’s wise men candle holders. We put them out every year. Also, an old, old, old, angel that goes on tree. Her feathers are not very pretty anymore, but she is special. She has a glass head. She probably comes from the 1940’s.

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  2. Keli Gwyn

    We usually decorate the day after Thanksgiving, but our daughter had to rush back to her college town to work the overnight Black Friday sale at Target. Gwynly and I got the tree without her for the first time in 20 years. Sure felt weird. Thankfully The Fashion Queen was able to return Sunday to help us decorate.

    One of our favorite traditions is putting out the handcrafted German Christmas decorations we bought when we lived in Germany. My favorite two pieces are Joseph and Mary–with baby Jesus in her arms. We bought these directly from the wood carver himself in the town of Oberammergau, where the Passion Play takes place, and they’re beautiful. I’m going to post a picture on FB one day soon.

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  4. Drusilla Mott

    I try to hang on a bit longer than the day after Thanksgiving, but have started getting things out a little at a time. I find with myself that if I do it too early, the time just seems to drag by until Christmas.

    The one thing that I now make sure gets put in a place of prominance is the nativity set that belonged to my husband’s mom and dad.

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  5. Jeff

    We also decorate the day after Thanksgiving (usually…this year it was on Saturday). We have personalized stockings for each family member that were hand made by my mother (cross-stitched), hanging over the fireplace. Our tree has no “stock” ornaments on it any more, because it is full ornaments that each have special meaning. One for each year that we have been married (we’re up to 26 now!), and others that we have picked up along the way, for example one each for the first five years of our two daughters’ lives, some they they made for us, etc. It’s a very beautiful tree, and each year, it is very special to hang those ornaments, because we look at each year and remember pieces of our life. Of course, we have Christmas music playing while we decorate. This year, it was “Chicago 25.”

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  6. pattisj

    I decided “less is more” a couple years ago, and took a lot of things to my daughter. I recently began to wonder what happened to the old metallic, painted glass ornaments that we put on the tree when I was growing up.

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      Patti, that was so sweet of you to share with your daughter. I’m sure she’ll treasure the things you gifted her with.

      One thing I miss from my childhood? Our silver tree with the antique color wheel.

      1. Jeff

        Oh, I grew up with one of those silver trees, too! We didn’t have the color wheel, though. I do miss that tree! Putting it up every year was so very exciting for me. And I could never sleep on Christmas Eve. It truly is the longest night of the year! 🙂

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